  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Multiparous Woman with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome




This article describes the nursing experience of a multiparous woman with AIDS, suffering from Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, admitted to the hospital for a caesarean section. The case already had two daughters who were not infected with AIDS, but as the eldest daughter-in-law, she was under the pressure of bearing a son for succession. After discussion, she decided to have a third child. Apart from her husband, she has not informed other family members about her AIDS condition. Apart from being anxious about the health of the newborn during the hospitalization, the case was also concerned in regards to medical staff who may accidentally reveal her disease to others. The nursing period was from February 22 to 27, 2019. Using the Gordon Eleven Functional Health Pattern Assessment, it was found that the case shown: potentially dangerous infection, acute pain, and anxiety health issues. During the nursing period, we expressed empathy and established the relationship with the patient, strengthened health education when evaluating the process of physical recovery; continuously observed wounds for any signs of infection, provided pain relief methods, maintained the case’s privacy to avoid disclosure of the disease, listen and guide her to express her anxiety and stress. When she had concerns about caring of the newborn, arrange appointments with the nurses in the neonatal ward so she can consult about the baby's medication status after returning home, that also reduced her worries about the health of the newborn. Furthermore, in order to relieve the pressure of the caregiver, we recommended that the hospital set up a hotline for AIDS families, provide those caregivers with more continuous care, knowledge and intervention measures for newborns with AIDS. Hopefully by sharing the care experience of this special parturient, it will provide a reference for colleagues in clinical care in the future.


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