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Effects of Applying E-Learning for Breastfeeding On-The-Job Education in a Baby-Friendly Hospital


提升母乳哺育率是各國公共衛生政策的要務之一,在職教育影響醫護人員的知識與態度,進而影響產婦母乳哺餵率及持續餵母乳的時間,在職教育在母乳哺育推廣工作上扮演重要的角色。但醫護人員需輪班、忙碌工作型態與人員流動率易造成在職教育執行面的困難,網路教學可提供高效率、低成本,且突破時間與空間限制的學習環境。本研究目的在建構母嬰親善非同步遠距網路教學模式,並追蹤實施前後在職教育之參加率與實施成效。其系統建構時問從2005年7月至2005年11月共歷時五個月,課程設計邀請國健局母乳種子講師授課錄影,並設計Intelligent learning content management system教育平台。參與對象為南部某母嬰親善認證合格醫院的婦兒科相關醫護人員。研究結果母嬰親善在職教育的參加率,由2004年採傳統面授模式為80%; 2005年採傳統面授及網路教學二種方式擇一達87.5%; 2006年採用網路教學達94.3%。認知評值成果2004年及2005年採傳統筆試認知平均分數分別為94.10分;99.64分,2006年改線上測驗為96.60分。在技術評核的部分採用網路示範教學與傳統面授課程,三者之間在成效上皆已接近滿分。結論:運用非同步遠距網路教學提升母嬰親善在職教育的參加率、降低醫院訓練成本等優點,但母嬰親善網路教學模式建議仍需配合相關的管理配套措施,網路學習評量及實地的技術評核,且後端的資訊管理仍需持續維護,才能真正落實執行成效。


Increasing the breastfeeding rate is one of the major policies of public health conducted by many countries. Breastfeeding on-the-job education plays a very important role because it has an effect on health care staff's knowledge, and attitude in teaching breastfeeding. Although the shift system and workloads of healthcare staff makes on-the-job education difficult, e-learning can provide staff with an efficient and low-cost way of learning without the limitation of time and space. The purpose of this study is to establish a breastfeeding e-learning model in a baby-friendly hospital, and explore the effect on healthcare staff. Healthcare staff in pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology department are the object of breastfeeding e-learning. The results showed the participation rate of breastfeeding on-the-job education increased from 80% in 2004 to 94.3% in 2006. The scores of staffs perception were 94.10 in 2004 by written tests and 96.60 in 2006 by on-line tests. The administrative measures necessary for e-learning and back-up supports to the information management can really make the execution of e-learning more efficient.
