  • 學位論文


Contextmapping Research for Infant Healthcare Learning Platform

指導教授 : 游曉貞


隨著網路環境的發展與電腦科技的進步,網路使用者行為也逐漸在改變。今日的網路應用逐漸演化成為強調使用者共同參與且建構網路內容的第二代網際網路(Web 2.0)。在國內的醫療體制的改變,醫療機構在此衝擊下,也需求新求變及提高醫療品質,對於健康照護教育這方面也漸漸有學習社群、知識分享的概念,所以許多醫學相關網站紛紛成立,供民眾透過遠距學習的方式取的知識,但傳統的教學網站已經不符合今日使用者的需求。本研究是以嬰兒健康照護學習平台設計為例,期望能幫助剛接觸新生命的父母提升健康照護知識及促進知識分享;為了達成這個目標及深入發掘使用者經驗與需求,設計方法不同以往的流程,而是以脈絡地圖法作為探測,利用這些訊息為目標族群設計,以便做為建置嬰兒健康照護學習平台架構的依據。 因此,本研究旨在以脈絡地圖法探討現今國人在Web 2.0概念下對嬰兒健康照護學習平台之需求,並進行平台開發與評估。研究目的包括:(1)以脈絡地圖法探討嬰兒健康照護學習平台使用者之需求;(2)提出建置嬰兒健康照護網路學習平台之設計建議;(3)建置一個嬰兒健康照護網路學習平台。 本研究運用脈絡地圖法收集目標族群對嬰兒健康照護學習的潛在問題與需求,透過資料的整理分析,同時整合現有文獻對於嬰幼兒健康照護學習平台的設計建議,建置一嬰兒健康照護學習平台,其特點為:(1)偏向解決使用者問題及互相交流的學習平台;(2)平台內容需具備正確及專業性,快速易搜尋,並採用情境式的漫畫教學;(3)利用微網誌讓使用者快速分享心情;(4)平台屬於專業性較強及非商業類別;(5)提供優惠訊息分享的功能。最後,以系統使用性尺度量表(SUS)評估本學習平台之介面使用性,均獲得受測者正面的回饋。關於本研究所延伸之相關議題,如網路學習平台的後續互動學習情形、脈絡地圖法應用的文化差異,以及此研究調查所得之使用者需求是否可擴展至其他健康照護族群的應用等,亦提出後續相關研究之建議方向。


Web 2.0 brings people together in a more dynamic, interactive space. This new generation of internet services and environment features a highly connected digital network of practitioners where knowledge exchange is not limited or controlled by private interests. Thus there are many medical-related web sites have been set up for individual or learning communities to get medical data through internet. Under the impact, domestic health care system has changed, and medical institutions are required to change accordingly to provide better health care services. To accomplish this objective and to explore the user needs and expectation for a healthcare learning platform, this study introduces the Contextmapping method to facilitate the development of an infant health care learning platform. The purpose of this study is to use contextmapping to explore users’ needs and develop guidelines for the design of infant healthcare learning platform. This study consists of three phases: (1) exploring different users’ demands for infant healthcare by contextmapping and transforming user needs into design concepts; (2) proposing design concepts and information architecture for a Web 2.0 infant healthcare learning platform; and (3) implementing and evaluating the proposed platform. Finally, an infant learning platform is launched for public use, which features: (1) Tend to resolve user issues and exchange of learning platform. (2) Platform have the correct and professional contents, quick and easy to search, and use cartoon’s contents.(3) Let users to share feeling to use micro-blogging.(4) Platform is professional and non-commercial category.(5) Let users to provide discount information. Related issues such as follow-up learning situation and effectiveness, cultural probes for Taiwan participants in contextmapping method, and can be use to probe needs of other healthcare groups, etc., can be further explored based upon this study.


Web 2.0 Infant Healthcare Contextmapping


王保堤(2005)。國中生活科技教師如何利用網路學習社群進行 e-learning。生活科技教育月刊,38(3),50-61。


