  • 期刊

職能治療師長期照護Level Ⅱ課程執行情形

Implementation of Level Ⅱ Training Course for Occupational Therapist in Long Term Care


專業人力資源的質與量,是影響長期照護制度推動成功的重要關鍵。行政院衛生署護理及健康照護處為長期照護服務體系所需要的各醫療專業人力作準備,制定level Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ的培訓課程,未來執行長期照護業務之醫事人員,應依規定完成該系列課程。臺灣職能治療學承接衛生署民國99年及100年之長期照護職能治療專業人員培訓(level Ⅱ)課程計畫,因應衛生署系列課程之架構,規劃32小時課程及3小時實務實習,以培訓職能治療師參與長期照護之服務知能。本文將說明職能治療課程規劃的目標與工作重點,並呈現職能治療專業長期照護培訓課程之主題、教學目標與課程綱要,執行情形與成果,及未來規劃方向。


The quality and quantity of professional human resources are critical to the success of long-term care system. In line with the Department of Health long-term care professionals training plan, three levels of training are required for all long term care related professionals. Taiwan Occupational Therapy Association executed the project and developed a 32-hour curriculum plan and a 3-hour fieldwork training for occupational therapists since the year of 2009, and this belongs to the level Ⅱ course. This article presents the objectives of the training project, as well as the topics, learning objectives and outlines of the training courses. The outcomes and future directions for the long-term care occupational therapist training were also discussed.
