  • 期刊


Exploring the Relationship between the Continued Participation in Volunteer Service and Quality of Life among Senior Volunteers and Its Related Factors


背景:高齡者持續參與志願服務工作可促進其活躍老化。然極少文獻針對影響高齡志工持續參與志願服務及其生活品質之因素進行探討。目的:探討高齡志工持續參與志願服務及其生活品質之影響因素,並進一步了解兩者之相關性。方法:橫斷式問卷調查設計,以桃園市平鎮區高齡志工191位為研究對象,SPSS 26.0 or Mac進行統計分析。結果:一、研究對象平均年齡72歲,以女性、已婚、與配偶及子女同住、罹患1種疾病居多。二、影響持續參與志願服務因素有社會支持與志願服務工作滿意度,重要因子為志願服務工作滿意度。影響生活品質因素有居住狀況、罹患疾病數量、社會支持、志願服務工作滿意度,重要因子為志願服務工作滿意度、與配偶及子女同住、無罹患疾病。三、持續參與志願服務意願越高,生活品質感受越好。結論與建議:志願服務工作滿意度為持續參與志願服務及生活品質重要因子。建議應重視高齡志工志願服務工作滿意度,以提升持續參與志願服務意願及生活品質。


Background: Continued participation in volunteer services among the elderly promotes active aging. However, there is a lack of research to explore the factors on continuous participation in volunteer services and quality of life among senior volunteers. Purpose: To explore the factors affecting senior volunteers' continued participation in volunteer services and their quality of life, and to further understand the correlation between two variables. Method: A cross-sectional study with questionnaire survey was designed with 191 senior volunteers from Pingjen district in Taoyuan City. Data were analyzed using SPSS 26.0 for Mac. Results: 1. The average age of participants was 72 years old. Most of the participants were female, married, living with their spouse and children, and suffering from one chronic disease. 2. The related factors on continued participation in volunteer services were social support and job satisfaction on volunteer services. Job satisfaction on volunteer services was an important factor on continued participation in volunteer services. 3. The related factors on quality of life included living condition, number of chronic diseases, social support, and job satisfaction on volunteer services. The important factors on quality of life included job satisfaction on volunteer services, living with spouses and children, and no chronic disease. 4. The higher continued participation in volunteer services, the better the quality of life. Conclusion and Suggestions: Job satisfaction on volunteer services is an important factor for continued participation in volunteer services and quality of life. It is recommended to enhance job satisfaction on volunteer services of senior volunteers in order to improve their willingness on participating in volunteer services and their quality of life.


湯寶玉、林國瑞、連冠昱(2018)。2017 臺北世大運志工工作滿意度與再服務意願之研究。金門體育學報,1(2),27-39。http://dx.doi.org/10.6855/JKS.201807_1(2).0003
