  • 期刊


After-Ripening and Germination Temperature Affect the Degradation of Starch in Eggplant (Solanum Melongena L.) Seeds


‘豐美’果實採後取出種子於25℃下發芽率低,後熟則可提高茄子種子發芽。後熟後之種子發芽時,可溶性醣含量較未後熟者低,澱粉含量則顯著較高。未後熟種子於25/30 ℃浸潤1~3天較於25 ℃下澱粉含量下降。後熟種子於25/30 ℃浸潤第五天,產生大量二氧化碳含量有22.9 ml/FWg.hr。未後熟較後熟種子於25℃浸潤2及3天時有較高之α-及β-amylase活性,於25/30℃浸潤時,未後熟及後熟種子則於第一天之β-amylase活性增加,於胚根突出前後熟種子有顯著較低之α-amylase 活性及較高之β-amylase活性。


Germination of fresh 'Fond May' eggplant seeds was low at 25 ℃. After-ripening the fruit overcame seed dormancy. Dry and germinating (prior to radicle protrusion) after-ripened seeds had lower concentrations of soluble sugars and higher concentrations of starch than control (unafter-ripened) seeds. The starch content in control seeds during imbibition for 1 to 3 days at 25/30 ℃ was decreased compared to that imbibition at 25 ℃. Seeds imbibed at 25/30 ℃ for 5 days or 6 days, especially after-ripened seeds, produced high quantity of CO2. High amylase activity was detected in control seeds imbibed for 2 or 3 days at 25 ℃. β-Amylase activity was increased when seeds imbibed in the first day at 25/30 ℃. Before the radicle protrusion, after-ripened seeds had low activity of α-amylase and high activity of β-amylase.
