  • 期刊


Current Rice Breeding Improvement Technology in Japan


本文為2009年「稻米生產與技術創新研討會」暨「兩岸稻米生產與技術創新論壇」研討會中發表應邀專題演講的部分內容,介紹日本水稻育種改良新技術,及其對稻作生產及稻米質量的影響。內容係就2008年期間所參訪之農林水產先端技術研究所(STAFF)、水稻基因組研究計畫(RGP)、農業生物資源研究所(NIAS)、農業環境技術研究所(NIAES)、作物研究所(NICS)、中央農業總合研究中心(NARC)、植物基因組中心(PGC)、植物DNA機能研究所(Plant Functional Genomics Co. LTD)及生物系特定產業技術研究支援中心(BRAIN)等9個日本研究機關的水稻育種研究現況及新技術,所得的見聞及心得作一摘要概述,藉此掌握日本最新的水稻研發資訊與產業趨勢,期能凝聚國內從事稻作研究的學術界及產業界人士的整體合作,並提供可行之因應對策,帶動我國稻米產業及研發的發展,以提升台灣在國際上的競爭力。


This is a partial content of the invited speech in '2009 Production and Innovation Technology of Rice' and 'Cross Strait Production and Innovation Technology of Rice', which focused on improved technologies of rice breeding and their impacts on rice production, yield and quality. It gives the experience and learning during visit to Society for Techno-innovation of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (STAFF), Rice Genome Research Program (RGP), National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS), National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sciences (NIAES), National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Plant Genome Center (PGC), Plant Functional Genomics Co., LTD, and Bio-oriented Technology Research Advancement Institution (BRAIN) in Japan in 2008. Through this topics to get a newest rice research information and industrial investment, foster full cooperation between the industry and academic research institutions can be expected. The proven strategies are also provided to further induce rice industrial investment in innovation and research. The ultimate goal is to engineer Taiwan as a global rice player.
