  • 期刊


The Evolution and Cultivation of Domesticated Capsicum Species


番椒原生於中、南美洲,據Eshaugh分類番椒屬(Capsicum)涵蓋36個種(species)以上。番椒野生種歷經馴化迄今,包含各樣果型、果色、形狀與辣味。其中五個常見的野生馴化種C. annuum,C. baccatum,C. chinense,C frutescence,C pubescence,已成為重要經濟栽培種,並以C. annuum為最廣泛栽培且經濟價值最高的‘種’,此包含所有甜椒和部分辣椒品種。其二是C. baccatum代表品種如‘Aji ’,此為墬飾狀果形。其三C. chinense則包含以高辣度著稱的品種‘Habanero ’。而C. frutescence包含著名品種‘Tabasco ’,為鳥椒的一種,廣泛分布於低海拔的熱帶美洲和東南亞地區。C. pubescence則明顯與其他四個馴化栽培種迥異,其葉身多毛,具有黑色種子,為高海拔冷涼型栽培種,代表品種如‘Rocoto ’。


番椒 栽培 馴化種


Capsicum is native to Central and South America, according to Eshbaugh (1993) indicates the genus of Capsicum comprise of more than 36 species. Through the process of moving wild species toward domestication that include a range of fruit size, color, shape and pungency. Presently, five wild domestic species of Capsicum that contain C. annuum, C. baccatum, C. chinense, C. frutescense and C. pubescens have been cultivated economically. Among these, C. annuum is the mostly wildly cultivated and economically important, and which including all of the sweet bell as well as the hot pepper. The second, C. baccatum contains the ”Aji” variety that exhibit a pendant pod type. The third, C. chinense contains the variety of ”Habanero” which known for the intense heat. The fourth, C. frutescense includes the famous ”Tabasco” variety and known as a ”bird pepper” that is widely distributed in lowland tropical America and in southeastern Asia. Additionally, the C. pubescens is the most distinct cultivated domestic species by conspicuous leaf pubescence and dark seeds, and a cool-growing highland species such as the variety of ”Rocoto”.


Capsicum cultivation domesticated species
