  • 期刊


The Study of Relationship between Professional Perception and Job Satisfaction for Visual Communication Designers




The main purpose of this study is to explore the association between professionalism perception and job satisfaction for visual communication designers. Empirical results indicate that professionalism perception actually can influence job satisfaction. The higher professionalism perception degree is, the larger job satisfaction degree would be. And also high professionalism perception's visual communication practitioners have larger job satisfaction degree than that of lower professionalism perception's visual communication practitioners. Additionally, empirical results show that the specialty and position title moderate the relationship between professionalism perception and job satisfaction. I expect that empirical results can provide relevant information to achieve two objectives (a) Knowing the importance of employees' perception of professionalism to education training and job assignment can enhance the professional competitive advantages, (b) Understanding the degree of employees' job satisfaction can establish the benchmark to adjust job assignment and personnel policy.
