  • 期刊

Conducting New Mineral Water Design and Development through the Lock on of Target Market



目前市售之礦泉水進口與國產產品種類繁多,價格區間介於NT 80-18 間,此種無色無味的日常飲料佔有消費市場ㄧ席的地位,且有別於一般的果汁或碳酸飲料只要抓對消費者的口味即可暢銷,如近期暢銷的番茄汁即是一個案例。故礦泉水生產製造商無不絞盡腦汁在此類產品的外型包裝設計上,吸引消費者的視覺注意,進一步對礦泉水產生興趣與購買意願。但如何掌握消費者的產品偏好,這種感性的問題ㄧ直是設計師所深思的地方。本研究透過廣泛的蒐集市售礦泉水競爭產品,透過量化的方法在現有市場礦泉水產品造型意象上進行意象尺度測試與分析,其中軸性的設定(X 軸)為購買意願與(Y 軸)為造型喜愛度將受測者對每個競爭者產品在意象尺度表的平均座標值計算出,進行市場競爭產品區隔與價格設定;發現主要競爭產品在外觀造型有性別上的有顯著差異。結合問卷進行消費者調查,透過雙因子變異數分析找出職業與性別組合的市場區隔定位,發現在不同的消費族群有顯著的差異。另針對消費者族群特性與礦泉水使用動機進行研究,找出不同的使用動機在消費族群上的差異,提供設計師與行銷人員做為礦泉水新產品開發之參考。


Currently there are a wide variety of domestic and imported mineral water products with the price ranging from NT$ 18 to 80. The bottled mineral water occupies an important role in local beverage market. It is different from common juice or carbon drink, such as the popular tomato juice, which can sell well if the consumers' appetite is matched. Therefore, manufacturers of bottled mineral water have spent much time and energy on the product form and packaging design, attempting to catch the consumers' eyes and trigger their desire to purchase. However, it is a challenge for designers to figure out how to grasp consumers' preferences towards product. In this study, competitive mineral water samples were collected for an attitude and image perception test. Furthermore, each competitive sample was analyzed through a quantitative image scale, among which X axis represents the desire of purchase and Y axis the degree of preference. From the marketing segmentation and price setting analysis, it has been found that there exists significant difference in major competitive products in terms of product form. Moreover, a survey of the consumers was conducted. Through a two-way ANOVA and the positioning of the marketing segmentation of profession and gender, it was found that there existed significant differences among groups of consumers. At last, features of consumer groups and motivations in drinking mineral water were analyzed to offer designers and marketing personnel references for the design and development of new mineral water.


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