  • 期刊


Improving the Accuracy of Wound Care by Home Caregivers for International Cleft Lip Patients


國際醫療之唇裂病童在台灣治療停留時間有限,如何使其主要照顧者於返國後能執行正確的傷口照護,實為一大課題。調查顯示,國際醫療唇裂病童之主要照顧者執行居家傷口照護正確性僅為69.6%。藉由唇裂術後居家照護教育訓練、運用簡體版唇裂居家傷口照護手冊及衛教影片,使其返國後也能反覆觀看、利用多媒體(微信)執行居家傷口照護正確性查核並即時修正。專案實施後,主要照顧者居家傷口照護正確性提升至95.5%,且獲顱顏外科醫療團隊及國際醫療病童主要照顧者正面評價。在臨床實務方面,除向院方提出修訂「唇裂(Cleft Lip)疾病護理標準」,醫療團隊也可將照護手冊及衛教影片平行展開於顱顏門診區,使唇裂病童之主要照顧者於手術前後皆可了解相關資訊,獲得更完善之照護品質。


For international cleft lip patients, they are only allowed to stay a limited amount of time in Taiwan for medical treatment. How to ensure the main caregivers' performance of postoperative wound care when they go back to their own country has been an issue. From the initial survey in this study, the accuracy rate of postoperative wound care by home caregivers was only 69.6%. By providing a training course, a manual and videos of postoperative care in Simplified Chinese to the main caregivers of patients who had undergone cleft lip repair surgery, they were able to repeatedly read and watch these materials. What is more, by communicating via social media such as WeChat between main caregivers and medical professionals, the wounds were able to be examined immediately, and corrections on wound care could be made in time. After the implementation of the project, the accuracy rate of postoperative wound care by home caregivers has significantly increased to 95.5%, and it has received positive feedback from both the craniofacial surgery team and the main caregivers of patients. In all, from the clinical practice aspect, it is necessary to request the hospital to revise the "Cleft Lip Nursing Standards". At the same time, providing the postoperative care manual and videos on cleft lip repair surgery at the out-patient clinic can also benefit the main caregivers of patients with cleft lip to understand the relevant information about pre- and post- cleft lip repair surgery, obtaining better postoperative wound care knowledge and skills.


