  • 期刊


Do We Hear the Child's Voice? Using Measures of Participation to Identify Needs for Participation of Elementary School Students with Special Needs: A Case Report


背景與目的:參與是兒童的健康、福祉及教育的終極目標。運用參與量表可瞭解兒童參與之經驗及需求,但如何作為特殊需求學童擬訂個別化教育計畫(individualized education plan, IEP)之參考尚待探討。本個案報告描述使用參與量表評估學童的生活參與、協助其自主選取參與目標,並將學童選取的參與目標轉化為IEP目標的過程。個案描述:個案為兩位國小特殊教育學童、其家長與特教老師。由研究者使用「圖示我的參與」及《身心障礙鑑定功能量表兒童版8.0版》進行結構式訪談,引導學童及家長設定參與目標,再與特教老師共同討論將該參與目標整合入IEP目標並提出環境支持策略。結果:兩位學童皆能選擇想要改變的3至4個目標,特教老師能將學童選取的目標和現有的IEP目標整合,並擬定實際可行的環境支持策略。結論:運用參與量表可以協助兒童自主表達參與目標。未來尚需探討如何讓學童主動參與IEP計畫之擬定與執行,以提升學童之社會參與及自我決策能力。


Background and Purpose: Participation is an ultimate goal of children's health, well-being and education. Measures of participation provide information on a child's participation experiences and needs. Whether the results of participation measures can be used to develop Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for students with special needs is in need for further study. This case report described the processes of using participation measures to assess participation of students with special needs, assist students and their parents in identifying participation-based goals, and then integrate the goals into the IEP. Case Description: Two students eligible for special education, their parents and teachers were included in this study. The researcher used the Picture My Participation (PMP) and the Functioning Scale of the Disability Evaluation System 8.0 -- Child Version (FUNDES-Child) to interview with the students and parents and identify goals collaboratively. The researcher then discussed with the teachers to address the goals in the IEP and formulate supporting strategies. Results: Both students were able to identify 3 to 4 participation goals. The teachers were able to form feasible strategies to address the children's goals in the IEP. Conclusions: Using participation measures facilitates students to express participation experiences and identify goals. Further investigation is needed to understand how to involve students actively in the IEP planning and implementation, and to promote their social participation and ability of decision making.
