  • 期刊


Sport Facility Research in Taiwan: Retrospect and Prospect


本研究主要目的在於回顧過去臺灣運動場地設施研究發展,梳理該領域在學術發展上的脈絡,並試圖提出未來具前瞻性的研究議題或發展方向。本文以資料庫分析為概念,利用系統性文獻回顧與內容分析等方法,以華藝線上圖書館Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS)中文電子期刊資料庫為範圍,主題關鍵詞為檢索條件,蒐集304篇目標文獻,輔以自編之「運動場地設施研究主題編碼表」,整理出過去臺灣運動設施研究。就基本屬性、研究議題與背景、研究方法等三大面向進行回顧,結果顯示於2001 ~ 2010年期間是臺灣運動場地設施研究質量提升的重要階段;臺灣運動場地設施的研究議題多元,主要反映當時社會背景或管理制度等客觀環境下的氛圍;如公立運動場地設施在經營模式上的轉型、校園運動設施的開放與大學校務基金的設置等;在研究方法上,並未偏向單一取向,而質性的個案研究,或是量化的統計分析皆是主流的研究方法,但質量並重的研究方法仍是少數。本研究結論指出「運動場地設施研究」的學術發展,已從早期較為淺顯的研究,演進到重視客觀資訊的引用等日趨嚴謹的趨勢。就研究議題方面的發展,也由於運動場地設施研究本身的複雜性,伴隨當時客觀環境下的特性,使得在議題上的發展具有多元發展與可塑性。本研究也建議,如高齡者友善運動環境之建構、公共運動設施在非經濟效益之評估與釐清等研究議題,在未來應可多做努力。透過跨學門領域合作研究途徑,以符合運動場地設施在學術研究或實務發展之所需,共同形塑臺灣運動場地設施在研究理論的完整形貌,將有助於未來臺灣運動場地設施在研究上之完整性與重要性。


The main purpose of this study was to review the past research and developments of sport facility analyses in Taiwan by sorting out the context of academic developments and tried to provide a prospectus for research topics, as well as developed a direction for future studies. This study uses database analyses as a main premise, and employs a systematic literature review and content analysis method. To accomplish this, we used a Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS) electronic e-journal database to determine the scope, and selected topic keywords that were used as the search criteria. In total, 304 target documents were found. In addition, this study employs a self-made supplemental tool called "A Coding Sheet for Research Topics in Sports Facility Research," and helps to sort out the research on Taiwanese sports facilities. This study reviewed three basic aspects, the basic attributes, including research issues and background, research methods, and various results. The results clearly explained that from the year 2001 to 2010 was an important period for the improvement of sport facility research in Taiwan. One reason for this is the atmosphere of the objective environment that consisted of the transformation of public sports venues and facilities used in the business model, the opening policy of campus sports facilities, the establishment of university fund, etc. In regards to the research methodology, it was not biased towards one single orientation; qualitative case studies and quantified statistical analyses were all mainstream, with only a few mixed-research methods. We conclude that the development of the "Sports Facilities Research" has evolved from the simple research methods to the technical research methods of referencing from unbiased resources and its trends. Because of the complexity nature of the sports venues and facilities, and the environmental characteristics and other temporal circumstances, the research topics have multiple developments and possible potentials. This study suggests some prospectus topics, such as the construction of a friendly sports environment for senior citizens, non-economic benefits evaluation of public sports facilities, and contribution of cross-study cooperation research model to the integrity and importance of the future of sports facilities in Taiwan.


宇土正彥、佐佐木吉藏、梅本二郎、高島稔、邱金松譯(1977)。體育管理學導論。臺北市=Taipei, Taiwan:維新=Wei-Hsin。
江良規、吳文忠(1958)。體育行政。臺北市=Taipei, Taiwan:正中=Cheng Chung。


