  • 期刊


On the Choice of Research Methods in Sports Science


J. R. Thomas, J. K. Nelson, and S. J. Silverman於《身體活動研究法》一書中指出科學研究的目標在於描述、解釋、預測、控制事物與現象。有些年輕研究生常常迷惑於華麗的統計分析方法,而忘了研究問題的本質。這種研究迷思變成捨本逐末。因此,本文的目的在討論這種偏差,論述研究方法的本質,透過幾篇研究方法成功配合研究問題的範例,說明研究的基礎是研究問題決定了研究的方法。最後,本文以如何尋找最佳研究問題做為結束。


J. R. Thomas, J. K. Nelson, and S. J. Silverman indicated that the aims of the sciences are to describe, explain, predict, and control the objects and phenomena that we encounter. Inexperienced graduate students tend to be fascinated by sophisticated statistical methods but forget that the first priority when conducting research is to address fundamental considerations inherent in the research questions-this is the error of "focusing on the superficial but neglecting the essential." The objectives of this essay are to discuss this bias, highlight the nature of research methods, and offer some examples in which methods are appropriately matched to research questions. These illustrate a fundamental tenet underlying research: research questions decide methods, not vice versa. Last, this essay provides some strategies for generating research questions in sports science.


aims of sciences statistical method essential bias


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