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A Badminton Doubles Player's Self-Narrative of Body and Mind Transformation




As an athlete who had passed the stage of life of competitive play, I contemplated my past to discover why I developed full understanding of badminton only after I had stopped competing. The purpose of this paper is to present a self-narrative view of my physical and mental transformation and badminton techniques. The following conclusions were drawn from reflection regarding my training, competitive background, and experiences of partnering with doubles, as well as data collected through immersion-crystallization analysis: 1. When I am in a relaxed state I can face the shuttlecock without bodily constraints, despite its rapid trajectory angle. I am also able to adjust my physical rhythms with surprising finesse when I play doubles. 2. The only way to deal with unpredictable matches is to remain focused and fearless. 3. The approach of constantly grinding away at weight training and swatting the shuttlecock is inferior to playing badminton with dedication. Dedication comprises two levels. The first level involves feeling the striking point and experimenting with various shuttlecock trajectory options and scoring schemes. In order to lock the opponent's moves, the second level demands combining the striking point with thinking and observation. 4. Focusing on swift reaction is not the only method for playing-combining striking points with variable playing speeds is the best way for a player to handle a game and respond to the movement on the court. Thus, these reflections might offer inspiration that helps young players overcome similar challenges while improving their skills.


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