  • 期刊


Indigenous Collective Actions to Promote Rural Regeneration Programs: A Case of Nanfu Community of Amis in Guangfu Town, Hualien County




The "Rural Regeneration Act" was passed by the government on 4 August, 2010, which was designed to revitalize the overall development of rural areas in Taiwan. The government was forced to actively solve the problems of rural decline, such as rural emigration, aging, lower education, lower average labor productivity, and overall low levels of public service. The purpose of this Act is to establish a Rural Regeneration Fund for hoping to take care of the farmers and fishermen in rural areas, and to make the rural community filling with "vitality, health and happiness". To implement Rural Regeneration Policy, besides top-down integrating strategies, the bottom-up promoting strategies are also considered as an important method. The Amis indigenous community in Eastern Taiwan was encouraged to apply Empowerment Program. According to the Rule of Regeneration Course, once organizations enabled their farmers finishing four stages of course (including beginner's course, advanced course, core course, and regeneration course), they are qualified to propose a Rural Regeneration Project. The indigenous community are very happy to see the passing of four-year-project by the Government. However, it is still a doubt of mobilizing whole community to participate in Regeneration Project. This paper proposed an analytical framework to understand the role of collective action based on the interaction of two dimensions: group characteristics of the indigenous community and external environment which is depended on external support by government and non-governmental organizations. The implementation of the project was conditioned by the financial and non-financial support, for example, subsidy to verification fees of organic farming or training and empowering farmers with specific knowledge. In this study we find that: 1. the small, well organized group of Nanfu community can, under the guidance of the leadership, attend the training program and propose the Rural Regeneration Plan, possess diverse endowments but homogeneity of identities among members, share the social capital, and build up consensus and goals. 2. The financial and non-financial support is beneficial to community autonomy, intermediary intermediation is conducive to the formation and implementation of the plan. However, the division of responsibilities between different levels of government is not clear, which results in some problems. Due to the poor institutional design of rural regeneration, the Nanfu community was trapped in the dilemma: 1. The orientation of Rural Regeneration Plan and the Comprehensive Rural Regeneration Plan is unclear; 2. The Rural Regeneration Plan does not consider the comprehensive planning of the Tafalong community; 3. It is difficult for a single organization in the local area to promote the sustainable development of the industries. Facing the above shortcomings, it might adopt the following steps to correct it: 1. to construct a perfect system for Rural Regeneration Planning to facilitate the development of the project; 2. to study the overall planning of the Tafalong community to demonstrate synergy; 3. to strengthen the link of local organization and external organization for facilitating agricultural production and marketing. If these strategies can be implemented, perhaps rural regeneration is just around the corner.


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