  • 期刊


Positive Impacts, Issues and Solutions to the Three-Type Acts of Experimental Education




The "Three-Type Acts of Experimental Education" promulgated and took effect in November 2014, is a significant breakthrough in the history of Taiwan's experimental education. This milestone turned a new page for experimental education in Taiwan, providing more diverse and freer environment and opportunities for children's development. The paper analyzed different types of experimental education and their implementation, their positive impacts on education, and reviewed issues related to experimental education and proposes solutions. These solutions included to seek equitable allocation of enrollment opportunities and education resources, actively train teachers specializing in experimental education and establish supporting mechanisms, built unimpeded ladders leading to higher education and comprehensive transition or facilitation mechanism for students along the way, improved non-school-based experimental education, evaluated outcomes of experimental education, and conducted continuous and long-term research, in the hopes to make experimental education more publicly accessible.


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