  • 期刊


Design Method and Process of Corporate Identity System


設計創意是個需要高度創造力且具備深思構想與敏銳美感的工作,一般人認為談到創意只能等待靈光乍現,然而,事實上有更具體的辦法來協助。「方法」是一切發展事務的基本工具,若有完整的設計方法,將有助於設計者從事設計活動。在視覺傳達設計的「企業識別系統設計」領域,也必然有其方法,只是目前尚未統整出有體系的設計方法,提供給設計業界參考運用。 首先,本研究探討「設計方法」的相關論著,並對「CIS企業識別系統」相關的文獻資料進行瞭解,再與台灣資深設計師深度訪談,獲得業界運作的第一手資料。研究結果發現,設計師-致認為,執行規劃的架構有固定的基本模式,其模式之複雜度與廣泛度,因需求的不同而有差異;另外,流程部分,則因「應用時間」及「市場需求」的影響而更動,並非單純的線性流程。此外,從訪談中獲得三項研究文獻與理論較少提及的資料,包含:(1)策略定位步驟是決定企業識別設計的關鍵、(2)初次設計提案數量及溝通方法的詳細步驟、(3)後續推展及品質掌控的執行方法。 本研究歸納並比較訪談結果與文獻兩者之間的差異及共通點,了解企業識別系統設計的完整過程,可藉由系統性的步驟、流程,進行設計與反覆檢閱,以使專案進行順利,讓設計結果更臻完善。最後,本研究提出企業識別設計方法的建議程序,以供相關領域參考。


The creation of a new design cannot be generated only by quantitative methods. Design activity is an innovative task that requires a designer's unique creativity, in-depth thinking, and sensitive aesthetic senses. Experienced designers always encounter obstacles in their creative design process. What they need are design methods by which they can follow to solve these problems. A method is the basic tool that can be used to facilitate the development of all entities. Similarly, a well-structured design method can help a designer conduct design activities. In the area of visual communication design, methods do exist. However, there exist no concrete design methods for graphic designers to use as problem-solving references. This research study adopts the concept of current design methodology, integrates real-world design experience, and review literature related to ”design methods” and ”Corporate Identity System.” In addition, by means of interviewing with senior graphic designers, a first hand real-world design experience is acquired. According to the interview, the designers thought that there is a basic fixed form for the execution plan and because of different demands, it carries out the complexity and extensive degree in different ways. Furthermore, the procedure will be affected and changed by the time and the market demand; it is not processed in a simple linear way. In addition, from the interview, we obtained some findings rarely mentioned in literature. Firstly, the strategy setting is the most important key to decide the Corporate Identity Design. Moreover, regarding the primary design proposal quantity, the communication method and the execution method for further promotion and quality control, detailed procedures were discussed. In the study, the differences and similarities between the ”real-world design activities” and ”relevant design literatures,” were compared and contrasted. At last, a set of design methods for corporate identity design is generated in this study.


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