  • 期刊


The Life Style and Product Form Image Preferences of Craft Furniture Visitors


本研究旨在探討工藝家具參觀者之生活型態及其偏好的造形與意象,調查樣本以「2007年台北國際家具展-工藝家具世代展」之家具為主,針對參觀後的民眾進行問卷調查,共計回收有效問卷232份,研究結果發現:參觀民眾之生活型態族群,可分為:「保守平實」、「流行理性」、「追求品味」及「平凡中庸」等四類族群。 各族群對所偏好之工藝家具造形意象的感受分別為: 1.「追求品味」與「保守平實」族群,所偏好之椅類家具造形意象感受具顯著者為「高雅的」意象,且「追求品味」族群對此感受高於「保守平實」族群。 2.「流行理性」與「平凡中庸」族群,所偏好之桌類家具造形意象感受具顯著者為「簡潔的」意象,且「流行理性」族群對此感受高於「平凡中庸」族群。 3.「平凡中庸」、「保守平實」與「流行理性」族群,對所偏好之櫃類家具意象感受在「高雅的」造形意象方面具有差異,且「平凡中庸」族群對此感受度明顯高於「保守平實」及「流行理性」族群。


生活型態 意象 工藝家具 造形


The purpose of this study is to explore the lifestyles, and product form image preferences of craft-furniture visitors. Primarily, the subjects consisted of visitors who attended 2007 Taipei international furniture exhibition-the generation of craft-furniture exhibition. Respondents were surveyed after they had visited the exhibition. A sum of 232 valid questionnaires had been collected. Based on visitor's lifestyles, four significant lifestyle groupings have been found: conservative and common group, fashion and rationality group, quality driven group, as well as ordinary and moderate group. Preferences for craft-furniture of different visitor lifestyle are as follows: 1. Quality driven group as well as conservative and common group highly prefer 'gracious' image for chair-furniture, with quality driven group exhibiting higher level of preference than conservative and common group. 2. Fashion and rationality group as well as ordinary and moderate group displayed partiality to 'succinct' image to the forms and images of table craft-furniture. In addition, fashion and rationality group exhibited higher preference level than ordinary and moderate group. 3. Ordinary and moderate group, conservative and common group, as well as fashion and rationality group displayed partiality to 'graceful image to the forms and images of cupboard craft-furniture. Additionally, ordinary and moderate group exhibited higher preference level than conservative and common group and fashion and rationality group


Lifestyle Image Craft-furniture Product Form


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