  • 學位論文


Design of Time Products by Life Style Analysis.

指導教授 : 陳殿禮


時間是一種意識,以一種無意識的型態存在於人們生活之中,人類將無意識的時間,透過有意識的方式表達出來,定義了時間的樣貌,每個人因生活型態不同對於時間之感受與定義亦有所異,本創作透過生活型態之研究,探討各族群對於時間之需求,針對需求重新設計時間之樣貌以符合每種族群。 本創作以田野調查法與內容分析法進行時間表示法之樣本蒐集,將蒐集之三十八件時間表示法樣本,以符號學解構分為「循環時間表示法」、「反覆時間表示法」、「累加減時間表示法」與「間隔時間表示法」作為時間產品喜好度問卷使用。另以生活型態問卷調查各族群時間之需求,共分為五種族群,得知「積極向上族群」具人文素養、積極學習態度與社交經驗;「居家休閒族群」追求居家規劃與休閒娛樂;「自我管理族群」重視效率、自我管理與休閒娛樂;「社交活絡族群」追求社交活動,重視效率與自我管理;「自足安穩族群」追隨自我管理最高、休閒娛樂與積極學習平穩。最後將生活型態分析之結果與時間產品喜好度相關分析以腦力激盪法發展時計產品,共產出五項時計產品分別為「時計書籤」、「流逝」、「MOTIME」、「時間同步鐘」與「時。缺」。


Time exists in peoples’ lives via an unconscious way. However, human beings define the way time presents in conscious methods. Every person who leads different types of living has different feelings and definitions towards time. Therefore, this creation redesigned the ways that time present by the analysis of needs of different groups via lifestyle study. Content analysis and field research were held to collect the types that time shows. Furthermore, the questionnaire of product preference was made basing on the 38 samples which were analyzed by Semiology and classified into cycle time notation, repeated time representation, tired subtract time notation, interval notation. In addition, the questionnaire of lifestyle was held to investigate the needs of the five groups towards time. The results indicate that “the positive” is the group with humanity, positive attitude towards learning and social experiences, “the home and leisure” pursuits home planning, recreation and entertainment, “the self-managed” emphasizes efficiency, self-management and recreation and entertainment, “the socially active” pursuits social activities, emphasizes efficiency and self-management and “the self-satisfied” pursuits the strictest self-management, recreation and entertainment and actively stable learning. Finally, brainstorming was held to develop and design the time products which were based on the results of the analysis of lifestyle and product preference.


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