  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan Hakka Furniture and Culture

指導教授 : 陳殿禮


1. 本研究旨於探討台灣傳統家具之形式、裝飾語彙與客家文化之關係,其目的為:解析台灣客家文化之內涵、台灣客家傳統家具之形式及裝飾語彙、探討傳統家具形式及裝飾語彙與客家文化之關聯性。以台灣北部客家地區作為研究範圍。透過文獻分析法、田野調查法及深度訪談法,歸納家具及文化之意涵,作為207件家具樣本分析之基礎。其研究結果可知: 1. 台灣客家文化之內涵:人文精神、風俗習慣、信仰習慣、音樂特色、語言特色等五面向。 2. 客家家具形式與裝飾方面:(1)坐具類:矩形為主,裝飾分佈於牙條與靠背板,裝飾語彙以植物類為主。凳無束腰。(2)臥具類:以八柱形式為主,分佈於上層部之圍屏,以動物、植物類最多。(3)承置類:以不佔空間及整潔為主,裝飾語彙以植物類為主。(4)貯存類:以矩形居多,分布於上層部櫃門板處,以植物類為主。 3. 客家家具與文化方面:(1)坐具類:早期生活困苦,故多凳類產生。(2)臥具類:受戰亂之影響,故床類家具多傳達其族群對於生活穩定與安逸之企求。(3)承置類:因生活困頓之故其家具因生活環境所需而產生不同之形式,展現前人之智慧。(4)貯存類:居住環境狹小,故衍生出諸多貯存類家具用以存放物品。


This study is for the purpose of discussing form and the decoration vocabulary for Taiwan Northern Hakka. By way of the literature analysis, the field survey procedure and deeply interview, take foundation of the analysis of 207 pieces of furniture.. Its findings are as follows: 1. Furniture form aspect: (1) seat grouping: The form of armchair and the chair is square. Form of the stool to not have the beam. (2) bed grouping: By eight column form rack bed primarily. (3) receives sets at the kind: Table by writing table and putting table primarily. Several by beam, and touches horizontally in the place above. The god document looks up the document majority. Taiwan mainly with supposes the mirror screen for on stratification, underneath supposes the drawer. Trough by four feet-like and six feet-like primarily. (4) storing grouping: The stuff cabinet and the clothes cabinet which are squared primarily. 2. Furniture decoration vocabulary aspect: (1) seat grouping: Decoration of the chair, the stool distributes in the gear rack, the pillar periphery, the seat class decoration of plants the category of things primarily. (2) bed grouping: Decoration of the bed distributes in the bed screen primarily, animals and plants the category of things to be most. (3) receives sets at the kind: plants the category of things to be most. (4) storing grouping: Distributes cabinet door in the upper formation, plants the category of things primarily. 3. Furniture form, decoration vocabulary between culture aspect: (1) seat grouping: The form of the chairs is simple. And due to tough time, the stool had appeared . (2) bed grouping: Due to the war, they convey the stable life and peace through the bed grouping. (3) receives sets at the kind :Because of the different life style, the furniture comes after different form to show the wisdom of ancestors. (4) storing grouping: Because of narrow environment, they use the storing grouping to storage the stuff.


furniture Hakka culture form decoration


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