  • 會議論文


The Taiwanese Festival Activity Establishes and Holds-Hakka Tung Blossom Festival


臺灣近年來發展了許多地方特色節慶活動,如宜蘭國際藝術童玩節、屏東黑鮪魚文化觀光季、三義木雕國際藝術節……等活動。藉由地方政府的力量,舉辦這類做爲地方代表的節慶活動,一方面可吸引外地觀光客前往旅遊、消費,刺激地方經濟發展;另一方面則是藉由這些活動的舉辦,讓外地的遊客能對當地的文化有更進一步的瞭解。但由於臺灣一年至少會舉辦將近三、四場的地方節慶活動,舉辦的頻率算是相當頻繁的,但在文宣上與宜蘭、屏東、三義等地方相連結的活動,其活動主題雖爲當地的文化特色之一,但活動所呈現的內容過於相近,實難與其他地方所舉辦的節慶活動內容作區分,呈顯出當地文化的特殊性。 若是以地方文化爲主體,並進行包裝行銷的地方節慶活動,在舉辦的過程中,會產生活動內容過於相似的疑問。而自2002開始舉辦,迄今已邁入第6年頭的客家桐花祭,與更爲抽象的族群意象做連結,進而讓客家發聲,行銷客家。在這行銷包裝的過程中,藉由將桐花與客家連結在一起,創造出新的文化節慶活動,在活動的推動過程中是否真有達到彰顯客家獨特性的功能呢? 對於上述問題的討論,本文初步的研究結果指出:1.在北埔地區舉辦的客家桐花祭,其活動內容與其他地方節慶活動並無大大差異;在活動推廣部分,居民則是認爲在2002、2003年舉辦的桐花祭是最令人印象深刻的,2.桐花祭舉辦的時節,確實有促進北埔地方經濟發展的功效,但對於推銷北埔當地文化則似乎沒有太大功效。 建議從開放當地居民參與桐花祭的規劃與協辦著手,讓居民對客家桐花祭有參與感,也更願意向外來的遊客介紹北埔的特色所在,一方面可達到刺激北埔地方經濟發展的目的,也可讓外地遊客對於北埔有更進一步的瞭解,達到雙贏的局面。


北埔 客家 桐花祭 文化節慶


For recent years Taiwan has hosted many festivals that emphasize local speciality, such as Yilan International Children, s Folklore & Folkgame Festival, Pingtung BlueFin Tuna Cultural Festival, Sanyi Wood Carving Festival and so on. By holding event like this with the sponsor of local government, lures stranger to travel and shop there, encourage the development of local economy in one way, and make strangers know better in local culture in the other. There are about 3 to 4 local festival to be held every year in Taiwan, it's relatively frequent. But in the advertisement, the festivals that hold near Yilan、Pingtung、Sanyi is really hard to distinguish itself from each other, present the speciality of the local culture due to the similarity of events in festivals. The local festival that markets by the local culture as a main, it will bring out doubts about the similarity of these events. The Hakka Tong Blossom Festival, is the 6th since it has started in 2002, connects the ethnic image, to speak and market for Hakka. During this process, by connect Tong blossom and Hakka, they create a new culture festival. So we wondered, with process like this, does it achieve the goal to express the uniqueness of Hakka? To the discussion of the above question, our research result have pointed out that: 1, there is not much difference in the events of the Hakka Tong Blossom Festival and other local festival. Local people thinks The Hakka Tong Blossom Festival in 2002, 2003 are the most impressive ones. 2, The Hakka Tong Blossom Festival has the effect to enhance the economical development, but it's less effective for promoting the local culture of Beipu. We suggest that, by letting local people to join the design and the operation of The Hakka Tong Blossom Festival, local people will be more participate in the festival, and more willing to introduce the beauty of Beipu to strangers. It will achieve the goal of improve the development of local economy, and to give a better understanding for traveler to Beipu, achieve a win-win situation.


Beipu Hakka Tong Blossom Festiva Festival


