  • 期刊

QR code設計呈現方式對廣告效果之影響

The Impact of QR Code Design on Advertising Effect


QR code結合各式手持裝置與行動上網功能,成為一個連結傳統媒體和數位媒體的整合工具。本研究透過兩個實驗探究QR code設計的關鍵因素與QR code的傳播階層效果。實驗一以雙碼理論與認知負荷理論為基礎,檢視QR code呈現方式與資訊複雜度對廣告態度與使用意圖之影響,採2(圖像說明:有vs.無)x 2(文字說明:有vs.無)x 2(資訊複雜度:高vs.低)的三因子混合實驗。研究結果顯示,相較於無任何說明的QR code,受測者在搭配圖像說明的情境下,能展現出較正面的廣告態度與較高的使用意圖。而在資訊複雜度與QR code呈現方式的交互作用之下,低資訊複雜度與僅搭配文字說明的QR code,具有較佳的整體廣告態度。當消費者有較高的掃描意圖時,後續的傳播過程才有機會啟動,因此,實驗二基於實驗一的研究結果,來驗證電通的AISAS廣告效果模式。此實驗納入媒介豐富度、訊息內容、認知需求等影響因子,檢視其對AISAS廣告效果之影響。研究結果顯示,當消費者接觸QR code廣告時,會依循著注意、興趣、搜尋、行動、分享的廣告階層效果模式。另外,此研究結果亦發現AISAS模式在高媒介豐富度與誘因訊息搭配之下,能呈現出較佳的配適度。此外,在媒介豐富度高的AISAS模式中,受測者會擁有較高的搜尋、行動以及分享意圖。


Integrating handheld devices and mobile Internet, QR codes have become a tool that connects traditional media with digital technology. Although it is an important element in integrated marketing communication, some marketers are still concerned about its effectiveness. In order to establish its validity and explore the crucial factors between QR code design and its advertising effect, the researchers conducted two experiments in this study. Based on the dual-coding theory and cognitive load theory, the first experiment, a 2×2×2 mixed design, was used to investigate the effect of one's QR code attitude and intention of usage while altering QR code design and its information complexity. The results revealed that participants had more positive attitudes toward the QR code and stronger intentions to use the QR code when exposed to QR codes with the image description than when exposed to QR codes with a text-based description. In addition, the results of the interactions between information complexity and QR code design showed that the best attitude toward the advertisement was generated from the QR code with a low level of information complexity and text-based descriptions. When consumers have a higher willingness to scan the codes, a follow up communication process might occur. Therefore, a second experiment based on the AISAS model was conducted. The results were analyzed using structural equation modeling and indicated that: 1). when exposed to the QR code advertisement, participants exhibited attention, interest, search, action, and sharing in this order; and 2). Compared to the AISAS model with low media richness, participants exhibited higher search, action, and share characteristics in the AISAS model with high media richness.


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