  • 期刊


A Cloud-based BIM Platform for Interior Design


近年來「建築資訊模型」(building information modeling, BIM)已成為室內設計的關注的議題,雖然目前已經有業者逐漸將BIM導入室內設計,但是室內設計長期面臨的挑戰是缺乏設計生產流程的整合管控以及缺乏設計與施工生產履歷的記錄;由於目前室內設計大多倚賴手繪或電腦繪製的3D圖說,多數僅將BIM作為建模工具,忽略了其蘊含豐富資訊的真正功能,同時也容易忽略實際應用在室內設計的設計管理流程、空間使用材料的履歷記錄、設備管線的維護等內容,導致施工現場與圖說不符或是使用材料不實等不良結果。本研究以「BIM雲端管理與溝通平台」作為研究基礎,嘗試以設計流程管理與客戶溝通系統出發,探討以空間設計與室內裝修為主的設計與工程管理模式,以克服長期以來存在的設計溝通與施工流程管控的問題。本論文首先探討BIM在室內設計的實際應用,以居住空間為目標,探討BIM應用在室內設計的問題與需求,並以實務流程與實例操作為研究範例,記錄並分析案例操作與過程,包括設計流程安排與品質管制檢查點、施工施作監督與回報紀錄、以及客戶溝通信任度與使用追蹤掌控等,試圖將過往建築物交付予使用者後即無法掌握其居住空間的安全性漏洞以BIM及雲端技術進行輔助管理,提供業主更值得放心與信賴的品質,銜接建築設計與營建施作在建築生命週期所缺乏的室內設計之資訊;整體論文將以實務需求作為實際架構,舉出目前傳統室內設計遭遇的相關問題,透過BIM延伸到室內設計實務應用上的多元輔助,再針對設計者,施工者,使用者三方之關係人的需求進而研發系統介面,促成本室內設計之BIM雲端管理與溝通平台,並成功的以實際案例測試並優化傳統的室內設計流程。


In recent years, Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become an important issue in the area of interior design. Some BIM technology applications include 3D modeling environments, parametric design tools, and building simulation applications. However, the crucial information seems to be ignored and results in some negative consequences in most interior design processes. Most interior designs ignore information like building structure information, process management or materials used in interior spaces. As a result, some problems occur such as a constructing site could not match the construction drawings, or cheaper and non-certified materials are used without checking. As far as the development of BIM, it is still deficient in BIM applied to the interior design process. This research has developed a system called BIMcast, which is a cloud-based BIM platform for interior design management, communication and coordination. The BIMcast attempts to create a BIM-based interior design process and support negotiation with clients in order to improve the quality of interior design. This paper investigates the state-of-the-art BIM technology and provides a real-world application of interior design. We record and analyze the process of BIM interior design process and re-arrange the design process. The BIM-enabled design process is facilitated by tracking quality control check points, supervising on construction site, and coordinating clients and other professionals. In order to fix the leaks of management and operation issues, BIMcast has delivered a cloud-based BIM platform to the owner of house, enabling BIM technology to help the client, the designer, and the contractor to improve the coordination process. It is expected that BIM technology can extend interior design applications in support of building life cycles.


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