  • 期刊

Privatization of Mosquito Control Services in Urban Areas



克拉克環境蚊蟲防治中心自1946年以來即爲美國最大的防治蚊蟲公司。該公司提供專業、責任制的蚊蟲防治服務,它著眼於重視環境之評估,經濟之效益,著手於以社區爲主的綜合防治之執行。目前該公司在超過兩百五十個社區,進行蚊蟲之監控及防治,這些社區包括了伊利諾州,芝加哥市大都會區。此外,該公司也提供完整的計畫爲面積約30至42平方公里範圍之區域執行撲滅蚊蟲之工作。一般而言,社區施實之滅蚊計畫所須經費都由市議會核準之市區稅收支付,執行滅蚊社區都有由稅收支付所成立的專職之信託理事會,此會責成滅蚊合約事項中相關工作之履行。 以社區規劃著手的民營契約之防蟲計畫具有下列優點: 1.能夠落實社區特定要迫切解決的問題。 2.對特別有問題的區域,可作迅速處理。而民營契約進行蚊蟲防治之好處在於(1)可以逐年予以檢討,(2)社區負責人可以從旁協助,必要時也可在防治的策略上作調整以收事半功倍之效,(3)節省公帑。舉例來說,伊利諾州的東北部公共防治滅蚊區經費使用情形爲每位公民須付美金2.15元(57元台幣)如以面積來自,每平方公里爲美金6,622元(10萬零5千元台幣)。然而在社布基郡附近,民營防治者所須花費爲每人美金1.34元(35.6台幣)或美金取3,366元(5萬3千3百元台幣),差了一倍。 伊利諾州有55種蚊蟲,主要兩種之一爲白肋斑蚊(Ae. vexans)雖然此蟲對人不會造成大患,但這些咬起人來,該人疼痛的人群蚊子卻可飛散達33.5公里之遠,造成當地70%到90%季節性優人事例,另一種叫作尖音家蚊(Culex pipiens),卻是惡名昭彰的聖路易士腦炎的主要帶原者,它和埃及斑蚊(Ae. aegypti)一樣,生長在人類丟棄的罐、瓦、瓢、盆中、廢輪胎或任何能蓄水物品內都能找到此蚊之幼蟲。 該公司所研擬的社區防蚊計劃包括了五個部份:1.統籌性的服務,2.督導及監測服務,3.幼蟲防治,4.成蟲防治,5.蚊蟲媒介腦炎偶發性緊急處理之服務。 理論上,由該公司研擬的綜合防治的防蚊措施是可以和公家的衛生部門,或和社區負責部門合作辦理,進行埃及斑蚊及登革熱/DHF之防治。譬如,第一部份:統籌性的服務包括了警告、用圖標示、公園宣導、民意反映調查、受害人保險,月份報告及服務品質監控。就第一部份中埃及斑蚊防治措施而言,它包括了: 1.界定私人固定中孳生此種蚊子容器的種類及遍及情形。 2.以圖標示公共場所蚊子孳生地。 3.遺派社教人員及衛生保健輔導員協助成立撲滅孳生源之計畫。 4.每月發佈檢查報告給社區負責人。 5.制定防蚊功能之績效管制制度,以確保防治執行之完美無缺。 第二部份爲督導及監測,包括1.經由收集野鳥血液,以檢測SLE病毒之抗體以界定蚊蟲媒界病原。2.監測尖音家蚊棲群,以及早預警伊利諾州東北部居民有關感染SLE之發生情形。同時的,第二部份有關埃及斑蚊防治計畫之執行可以包括此蚊棲群之監控及病毒之鑑識。 第三部份就是幼蟲防治,它是該公司在伊利諾州執行防治計畫中最具關鍵性的一環,它包括將防治資料數據化及將幼蟲滋生地分門別類。幼蟲防治基本策略在於辨識幼蟲孳生場所及適宜的防治方法。譬如,利用大肚魚(Gambusia affinis), B.T.I,美賜平,5%亞培松丸或亞培松輪胎處理作綜合防治。研擬的埃及斑蚊防治計畫可能會要求簽約雙方共同負起推展社區防治計畫,主要的是要責成每個人都負起蚊子孳生源的清除,譬如,棄置在公共場所的輪胎及其他更大型能容水的東西,都不應放過。 第四部份,成蟲之防治,包括港區蚊蟲防治措施。港區常爲大量蚊蟲聚集場所,碰到蚊子叮咬頻緊或腦炎有可能發生的時候。港區內之住宅須作噴藥處理。如果登革熱已有案例發生,則逐屋施藥的處理必須執行以撒底消滅埃及斑蚊。 第五部份,蚊蟲媒介腦炎偶發性之緊急處理之服務,可是供應變計畫。譬如,在SLE突然發生時施實空中噴灑殺蚊劑以阻絕之。第五部份有關登革熱偶發性之緊急處理計畫可能會責成簽者依序進行一連串的措施進行嚴密地蚊蟲監控、密集地普及社區之資料綱路操作及普及地作防蚊治蚊之執行。 民營契約的經營方式,可以逐年予以檢討,調整以確保防治工作不斷改進,以臻完美無缺。




Clarke Environmental Mosquito Management, Inc. is the largest privately-owned mosquito control company in the United States. Since 1946, Clarke has provided professional contract mosquito control services which are developed using a community-based, integrated mosquito management philosophy stressing environmental sensitivity and economic feasibility. The company is presently monitoring and controlling mosquitoes for over 250 communities, including most of Metropolitan Chicage, Illinois. In addition, Clarke provides complete programs for a number of small mosquito abatement districts ranging in size from 18-25 square miles. In general, the community programs are funded through municipal taxes and approved by the city councils. The mosquito abatement districts have a Board of Trustees which levies taxes and is responsible for overseeing the contract services. The advantages of private contracting in a community-based program include the ability to individualize a program to meet the local needs of the community and to provide quick response to problem areas. Private contractors are subject to annual reviews. Community leaders can assist in the course of action, making adjustments in the pro- grain strategy easier to implement. In addition, privatization can often result in considerable financial savings. For example, in northeastern Illinois the average cost of a fully staffed mosquito abatement district is $2.15 per citizen or $6,622.00 per square mile. In nearby DuPage County, a 338 square mile county which is covered primarity by a community-based private contractor, the cost is approximately $1.34 per citizen or $3,366.00 per square mile. In the State of Illinois, there are 55 mosquito species, two of which are of primary concern. The primary nuisance species is Aedes vexans. Although Ae. vexans presents no major public health hazard, broods of these vicious biting mosquitoes can migrate up to 20 miles and cause from 70 to 90% of the season's annoyance. The other species, Culex pipiens, the northern house mosquito, is recognized as the primary vector of St. Louis encephalitis (SLE) virus. Similar in many ways to Aedes aegypti, this mosquito develops in artificial containers, such as clogged roof gutters, tires, tin cans, vases and other water holding containers. The community-based programs developed by Clarke involve 5 components: General Services, Surveillance and Monitoring, Larval Control, Adult Control, and an Encephalitis Contingency Plan. Theoretically, a similar integrated program patterned after the Clarke program could be developed and initiated in collaboration with Health Department officials and community leaders for the control of Ae. aegypti and the prevention of dengue/DHF. For example, Part Ⅰ-General Services includes survey and mapping, public relations programs, a toll-free citizen response system, insurance coverage, monthly reports and quality control services, Part Ⅰ of an Ae. aegypti control program might include: defining the type and distribution of containers producing this species on private property; mapping of breeding areas on public property, providing staff social scientists and health educators to assist comunities in developing a source reduction plan; issuing monthly reports to community leaders and instituting quality control to assure program satisfaction. Part Ⅱ of our program, Surveillance and Monitoring, involves mosquito-borne disease monitoring through the collection of wild bird blood for laboratory testing for antibodies to SLE virus and the monitoring of Cx. pipiens populations in order to provide an early warning of the potential occurrence of human cases of SEE in northeastern Illinois. Similarly, Part II of an Ae. aegypti program could include continuous monitoring of Ae. aegypti populations and possible collection for virus isolation. Part Ⅲ-Larval Control, is the foundation of our program in Illinois and includes computer-based organization and classification of larval development sites. Larval control strategies are based on habitat type and the most appropriate control methodology, for example, stocking of mosquito fish (Gambusia offinis), treatment with B. t. i., methoprene, 5% temefhos (Abate) pellets or 5% Abate Tire Treatment. Part Ⅲ in the hypothetical Ae. aegypti control program would make the private contractor responsible for the development of a community-based program focusing on the individual citizen's role in vector control and the control and/or elimination of breeding areas, such as discarded tires and other large objects, on public property, Part Ⅳ-Adult Mosquito Management includes treatment of harborage areas where large numbers of mosquitoes congregate and spraying of residential areas during periods of excessive annoyance or an encephalitis alert. Adult mosquito control for Ae. aegypti might include house to house treatment of residential areas where dengue cases are detected. Part Ⅴ-The Encephalitis Contingency Plan, provides a contingency program using aerial application of adulticide when an SLE alert has been issued. Part Ⅴ of a Dengue Contingency Plan would outline a sequence of events the contractor would follow in the event of an encephalitis alert, this might include intensified mosquito surveillance, concentrated, community-wide information systems and area-wide adult mosquito control. The program under private contract would be evaluated annually and adjustments in the strategy would be implemented to ensure continuous improvement.


Aedes aegypti mosquito control
