  • 期刊

Experience of Problem-Based Learning in Nursing Education at Kaohsiung Medical University




爲因應快速變遷的醫療環境,護理教育須加強護理人員的批判性思考、問題解決及創意思維等能力。問題導向學習(problem-based learning、PBL)即爲護理教育改革的重要策略之一,而台灣以PBL爲基礎的護理課程仍處於成長發展的階段。高雄醫學大學於2002年開始紮根PBL於護理的教學,重要的里程碑包括:(1)培養PBL教學之種子教師;(2)運用PBL於一門現有的選修課程「腫瘤護理」,並開設另一門選修課程「案例分析」;(3)舉辦校內外研討會推展PBL教學法;(4)結合網路與PBL教學;(5)進行PBL的相關研究;(6)於護理學院設立PBL、OSCE及教材審查推動小組;(7)開設必修課程「護理倫理」。如今,護理學院已有12位種子教師;我們也完成了「評值學生能力」和「探討種子教師經驗」的兩項PBL研究;我們的研究發現,PBL可增進學生的自我導向學習、批判性思考及團隊學習。此種課程發展方式可幫助學生因應瞬息萬變的醫療環境,且有助於教師獲得適當的PBL教學技巧。基於以上的經驗,更確認我們護理學院的方針與持續種子教師培養的任務,未來也將逐步增加PBL的相關課程及從事進一步的研究,以推動台灣護理的PBL教學


Nursing education must keep up with the rapidly changing medical landscape to support the competences of nurses in the areas of critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity. Problem-based learning (PBL) provides an appropriate strategy for nursing education innovation. Nursing curricula based on PBL remain in the growing stage in Taiwan. Kaohsiung Medical University introduced PBL into nursing education in 2002. The critical events in the process included: (1) nurturing key tutors; (2) using PBL teaching methods in an elective course-Oncology Nursing, and designing a new elective course-Symposiums Regarding Clinical Cases; (3) holding conferences inside and outside the school to promote PBL teaching methods; (4) linking e-learning and PBL teaching methods; (5) conducting PBL research; (6) establishing a committee of PBL, objective structured clinical examination, and teaching material review for the College of Nursing; and (7) setting up a required course-Nursing Ethics. We now have 12 key tutors in the College of Nursing. We have also completed two studies to evaluate the ability of students and to explore the experience of tutors. From our studies, we know that PBL can increase learner abilities in self-directed learning, critical thinking, and PBL performance. The approach helps students to cope with the changing medical landscape. Furthermore, tutors and teachers develop adequate PBL teaching skills. Based on the experience above, we believe that we are on the right path in terms of continuing tutor development, gradually increasing the number of PBL courses, and undertaking further research to promote PBL methods in Taiwan.
