  • 期刊


Programming a New Political Order: The Ancestral Sacrifice in the Marriage Rituals of the Imperial Princes during the Hongwu Reign




洪武 皇家規劃 禮制 親王 婚禮


From the outset of the Ming dynasty, the Hongwu Emperor (Taizu, Zhu Yuanzhang, reigned r. 1368-1398) attached great importance to ritual institutions of the empire. During his reign multiple versions of ritual prescriptions were revised and promulgated. This article examines the ancestral sacrifice held in the Fengxian Hall for marriage rituals of imperial princes during the reign of Hongwu's reign to as empirical evidence and explores the rationale and historical significance of making frequent revisions to the ancestral sacrifice. It considers both points of reference from both in classical texts and in ritual precedents in from the Tang and Song dynasties. An analysis is proffered for delineating the clear division of the "inner" and "outer" roles played by imperial shrines of Fengxian Hall and Tai Temple. By evaluating the changes in Zhu Yuanzhang's selection of affinity and the military and political developments during the same period, this article shows that innovations were introduced to the ancestral sacrifice in the marriage rituals for princes. It further argues that the ancestral sacrifice was adjusted in order to provide a mechanism for programming a new the ruling philosophy and, in particular, the positioning of the imperial household.


[周]左丘明著,[晉]杜預注,[唐]孔穎達正義,《春秋左傳注疏》,收入 [清]阮元校,《十三經注疏》,臺北:藝文印書館, 1955,據清嘉慶二十年(1815)江西南昌府學開雕重刊宋本左傳注疏附校勘記本影印。
[漢]司馬遷著,[劉宋]裴駰集解,[唐]司馬貞索隱,[唐]張守節正義,中華書局點校,《史記》,北京:中華書局, 1959。
[漢]鄭玄注,[唐]賈公彥疏,《儀禮疏》,收入[清]阮元校,《十三經注疏》,臺北:藝文印書館, 1955,據清嘉慶二十年江西南昌府學開雕重刊宋本儀禮注疏附校勘記本影印。
[漢]鄭玄注,[唐]孔穎達疏,《附釋音禮記注疏》,收入[清]阮元校,《十三經注疏》,臺北:藝文印書館, 1955,據清嘉慶二十年江西南昌府學開雕重刊宋本禮記注疏附校勘記本影印。
