  • 期刊


An Investigation of Online Dating Behavior among College Students of Different Sexual Orientations: An Example from College Internet Users in Northern Taiwan




性行為 性傾向 約砲 保險套 網路交友


The purpose of this study was to investigate online dating behaviors among college students of different sexual orientations. Online data were collected from social network sites of different colleges. LGB-related forums were also visited to disseminate a questionnaire for a large enough LGB sample, 256 college students in total for the analyses. The Questionnaire included background information and online dating behaviors, such as "Did you meet with internet friends in person?," "Did you ask some internet friends for sexual encounters?" etc. Three-way Cross Table Chi- Squared Test of Independence was applied to test online dating behavior differences among heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual males, as well as differences among heterosexual and non-heterosexual females. The results indicated that, among different sexual orientations of the male sample, all online dating behaviors were statistically significant, except for "Cyber sex" and "Did you think about developing long term relationship with hookups?" Among them, except for "Did you wear condoms when having sex with internet friends?," homosexual men had the highest rate, heterosexual had the lowest, and bisexual were in between. More than 90 percent of gay men met with internet friends in person (94%) or had been asked for sexual encounters by them (91%). The values of bisexual and heterosexual men were 88% & 82%, and 70% & 25%, respectively. Some 73 percent of gay men had sex with internet friends, while approximately 29% of heterosexual men and 58% of bisexual men did. However, only 45% gay men wore condoms, while approximately 72% of heterosexual and bisexual men did. Among female sample, only two variables were statistically significant: 60% of heterosexual women were asked for sexual encounters by internet friends, compared with one third of non-heterosexual women. Almost half of heterosexual women had "Cyber sex" with internet friends, compared with 20% of non-heterosexual women. As for "Did you think about developing long term relationship with hookups?," there was no significant difference among sexual orientations of male and female samples. Homosexual men were the most active in online dating and sexual activities; the non-heterosexual women were least active. However, homosexual men also had the highest sexual health risk. A need for stable relationship seems universal among all sexual orientations. Research limitations, suggestions of future research and sexuality education interventions were discussed.


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