  • 期刊

Statistical Lesion Classification on Brain SPECT Images



近來部分研究指出,在患有阿茲海默症(俗稱老人癡呆症)的病患中,高學歷患者在其大腦左側血液流量不足的情形,比低學歷的患者來得嚴重。本研究中,我們分析一組具有兩類教育程度的阿茲海默症患者之單光子放射斷層掃描影像資料。這組影像是經由掃描五十八個患有阿茲海默症病人之腦部所獲得;其中二十九人為高學歷,另外二十九人為低學歷。我們有興趣的是在不同的教育水準之下(高、低學歷),大腦血液流量變化的情形。於是,我們用兩種統計方法,以辨識不同教育水準的患者其腦血液流量變異區所發生之部位?第一個方法是利用組織間之組合訊息(contextual clustering information),檢測出在不同水準(高、低學歷)下,腦血液流量的變化。此一方法類似Eero Salli於偵查功能性核磁共振造影(fMRI)中腦損壞區域時所使用之策略。所不同的是,我們採用SA演算法達到組織分類的收斂。另一方面,我們使用SPM99軟體作為對照方法以進行比較研究。SPM99是近年來廣為應用於腦部影像分析的工具。我們用它來對照前一方法所找到腦血液流量變異區的位置是否相同。最後的結果發現,此兩方法均一致顯示高學歷患者在大腦左側確實有較低學歷患者之腦血流流量不足的狀況。


Recent researches [1] have shown that individuals with more years of education have a more advanced development in Alzheimer's disease (AD) than those who with fewer years of education. In this study, two groups of fifty-eight AD patients with different education levels were examined. We utilize two statistical methods to detect the significant difference in brain region perfusion between the high and low education level patients with AD. The contextual clustering method, similar to the one for MR lesion detection in [2], is designed and applied to the 99mTc-hexamethyl propylenamine oxime (HMPAO) brain SPECT images. The other uses the SPM99 software that is commonly applied in voxel by voxel analysis of SPECT data and is popularly adopted in neuroimaging society over the past few years [3, 4]. Our finding suggests that there are significantly reductions in region perfusion in the group of high education level patients compared with the group of low education level patients. These reductions were observed in the left temporal region.


