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《今昔物語集》之中異鄉故事的意義-以卷三十一〈通大峰僧行酒泉郷語第十三〉為主-|The utility of foreign land stories in "Konjyaku Monogatarisyu": Volume 31 issue 13 "The story of a monk passing by Dafeng to a town where full wine spring"




異郷 「桃花源記」 脱構築 異文化


《今昔物語集》卷二十六與卷三十一分別收錄了以異鄉為主題的故事,也各自形成了異鄉話群。卷三十一〈通大峰僧行酒泉郷語第十三〉敘述了一名僧侶到訪異鄉後所迎來的災難,故事中除了告誡人們不應前往陌生的地方之外,文末也歸納出言而有信的重要性,是一則帶有規勸意涵的故事。卷二十六〈飛彈國猿神止生贄語第八〉一文的故事背景類似,內容敘述無意間到訪異鄉的主角,廢除了當地以活人現祭的陋習後移居該地,文末則是以前世果報加以說明。這兩則故事雖然有許多共通之處,最終卻歸納出完全相異的結論,分別收錄於主題相異的兩卷之中。此外,主人翁因迷路誤入異鄉的契機、離開前信誓旦旦絕不外傳,離開後便毀約大肆宣揚、以及無法再訪異鄉的情節,令人聯想起中國的〈桃花源記〉。本文以〈通大峰僧行酒泉郷語〉為主,對照〈飛彈國猿神止生贄語〉以及〈桃花源記〉,進而拓展視野至卷二十六與卷三十一的異鄉話群。希望透過《今昔物語集》結構上以及「異鄉」概念的解構性,探討《今昔物語集》中面對異國文化的立場。|Volume 26 and 31 in "Konjyaku Monogatarisyu" contains foreign land stories, and also formed the collections. Volume 31 describes a monk who encountered a disaster after he went to a foreign land. The persuasive story not only warns people not to go to unfamiliar places, but also summarizes the importance of keeping promises. Volume 26 describes the monk who went to a foreign land, abolished the local bad custom of offering sacrifices to living people, then moved there. Although there are similarities in the plot, but different conclusions which are included in two volumes with different themes. In addition, the protagonist of these stories strayed into a foreign land due to lost their way and vowed not to disclose to the outside world before leaving, but were unable to keep their promises afterwards and could not visit again. This is reminiscent of Chinese "Peach Blossom Spring". This article focuses on "The story of a monk passing by Dafeng to a town where full wine spring", contrasts with "The story of a monk who abolishing the local bad custom of offering sacrifices to living people" and "Peach Blossom Spring" and expands to the foreign land collections in Volume 26 and 31. Through the understanding of the deconstruction with the structure in "Konjyaku Monogatarisyu" and the concept of "foreign land", exploring the position of foreign culture in "Konjyaku Monogatarisyu".


