  • 期刊


《今昔物語集》「震旦付國史」卷之異國說話-以第三十二話〈震旦盜人入國王倉盜財殺父語〉為主-|Alien setsuwa in 'Cathay national history' of "Konjyaku Monogatarisyu" -By Volume 10 issue 32-




今昔物語集 震旦 国史 天竺話


《今昔物語集》第十卷「震旦付國史」,集結了編者認為足以描繪中國史觀的四十則故事。第三十二話〈震旦盗人、入国王倉盗財殺父語〉源起於印度,其充滿異國特質的故事內容,在「震旦付國史」卷之中顯得格格不入。雖然一直以來被視為性質特異的一則說話,可惜在研究史上未見進一步的發現。本文的緣起最早可追溯至西元前五世紀古希臘著名的史學家希羅多德的《歷史》一書,類似的故事也可見於中國的《生經》、《經律異相》、《法苑珠林》、《根本說一切有部》四部漢譯佛經。流傳至日本,除了《今昔物語集》之外,亦收錄在《注好選》與《源平盛衰記》兩部作品當中。本研究以〈震旦盗人、入国王倉盗財殺父語〉為文本,收集印度、中國及日本三國描述類似情節的故事,循著故事的流傳途徑,梳理作品之間的受容關係。其次,透過對照作品的人物設定、情節安排、用字遣詞、以及故事主旨等元素,探討〈震旦盗人、入国王倉盗財殺父語〉在「震旦付國史」卷之定位,進而釐清收錄於第十卷之異國說話的特徵。|There are 40 setsuwas in Konjyaku Monogatarisyu Volume 10 "Cathay national history" which compose Chinese history by editor's view. But issue 32(Chinese bandits rob treasures in the palace and kill his father) which was from India, seems out of place in the "Cathay national history" It's a pity that it is not taken seriously in the study history because of its specific nature. Its origin can be traced back to the fifth century B. C., the famous ancient Greek historian Herodotus's writing "Histories" The similar stories can be discovered in the four Buddhist Scriptures: Jataka, Jing Lu Yi Xiang, Fa Yuan Zhu Lin, Mulasarvastivada. After that, they are gathered in addition to Konjyak u Monogatarisyu, also included in Chukosen and Genpei Josuiki in Japan. The study is based on issue 32(Chinese bandits rob treasures in the palace and kill his father), collected and organized those similar stories which were from India, China and Japan, then pointed out the circulation pathway and relationships between them. The conclusions can be drawn from comparing with character setting, story line, diction and the theme therefore discussing the historic position and characteristic of issue 32(Chinese bandits rob treasures in the palace and kill his father in Volume 10 "Cathay national history".
