  • 期刊


Present and Future of Japanese-related Graduates Program in Taiwan-Introspections of Educational Goal and Curriculum


台灣日文系相關研究所,進入2000年後成長驚人。2001年到2007年7年間,由5所迅速發展到15所,增加了3倍。研究所發展的學術領域,集中在日本語學和日本文學,2000年後應用系統的研究所加入,教育與經貿等新興領域崛起,研究所整體的學術領域逐漸多元化。 透過目標及課程的分析,發現部分的研究所過度多角化導致目標失焦,課程屈就現實以致學術領域缺乏體系。此外少子化所帶來的高等教育的生存競爭壓力,以及日文所面對就職需求如何因應也日漸受到關注。研究所銜接大學的教育,給予學術與專業的訓練。以培育人才的觀點,日文所的教育升學就業兩相宜,是值得肯定的。瞻望未來筆者提出目標、課程、就職方面的幾點建言,作爲改善的參考。


研究所 目標 課程 課題 建言


There's a rapid growth of Japanese-related graduates' program here in Taiwan since 2000. Numbers of graduate school has tripled from 5 to 15 within 7 years, started in 2001. Japanese language and Japanese literature have been dominating the research area for years, jointed by applied research graduate schools after 2000; this academic market is getting more diverse than ever. Curriculum analysis indicated that some graduate schools have lost their main focus by condescending courses to market place without any academic supports. In addition, graduate school's approaches to placement have also attracted certain attentions. Students should get more professional and more academic training in graduate study, followed by college education. Japanese major graduate schools emphasize on both education and placement are accountable from cultivating talents' aspects. Advices and suggestions are listed in various aspects such as, educational goal, curriculum and placement as improvement references.


graduate school goal curriculum subject advice
