  • 期刊


日影丈吉的殖民地台灣經驗--推理小說《内部の真実》中的台灣意象|Hikage Jokichi's Taiwan Colonial Experience: Taiwan Imagery in the Mystery Novel "Inner's True ssence"




日本知名推理作家日影丈吉(1908-1991)雖然在台灣知名度並不高,然而在其漫長的寫作生涯中,他卻持續不斷地書寫以台灣為舞台背景的推理小說。1944年7月,日影接受國家的徵召入伍陸軍,並跟隨軍隊前往當時為日本殖民地的台灣。及至1946年3月在台灣迎接日本戰敗的消息、跟隨軍隊回日本為止,日影以先遣部隊隊員的身分,隻身踏遍台灣各處,實地進行風俗民情的勘察,並與各個階層的台灣民眾有深入接觸、交流的經驗。歸國後,日影根據在台實地踏察經驗及見聞,寫出一連串以台灣為舞台的「台灣物語」的推理小說。本文以日影最早的台灣物語作品、創作於1959年的《内部の真実》為研究文本,探討日影如何根據在台灣的真實經驗與見聞,衍生、想像並虛構台灣;並以此為舞台,開展出發生於日本憲兵隊軍官與台灣人之間的殺人事件。透過此文本分析過程,本論文將解析日影如何觀察、定義殖民地台灣,以及,如何藉由書寫日本人與台灣人之間的愛恨情仇,重現並詮釋殖民者日本與被殖民者台灣之間的關係。|Although Hikage Jokichi (1908-1991), a well-known mystery novel writer in Japan, has not received much attention in Taiwan, he kept having his novels published by situating Taiwan as a story background in his writer's career. In July 1944, Hikage served his military stint in an army, following the army to Taiwan, which was then colonized by the Japanese government. Hikage, a member of the advance troops, travelled government. Hikage, a member of the advance troops, travelled throughout Taiwan, conducting on-the-spot investigations with quite close contacts with Taiwanese people from all walks of life. After the Japanese defeat in March 1946, he followed the army back to Japan. Having returned to Japan, based on his previous travel experiences and understanding towards Taiwanese's culture, he wrote a series of mystery novels relevant to stories in Taiwan, situating Taiwan as the background. This study is an attempt to investigate Hikage's earliest series of stories in Taiwan, "Inner's True Essence" written in 1959. Analyses on his work will be conducted in exploration of how Hikage derived and imagined Taiwan from his authentic experiences and understanding towards Taiwan. Situating Taiwan as the story background, Hikage's book depicted the murder between officers of the Japanese Gendarmerie and Taiwanese people. Text analyses will be performed to analyze how Hikage observed and defined the colonial Taiwan as well as how to reproduce and interpret the relationship between the colonists and the colonizedby elaborating their love and hatred.


日影丈吉 ( 1975 ) 『 華麗島志奇 』 序文 、 牧神社
黄昭堂 ( 1981 ) 『 台湾総督府 』 教育社
川村湊 ( 1989 ) 「 華麗島 という 鏡一日本近代文学 と 台湾 」 『 アジア という 鏡極東 の 近代 』 思潮社
池田浩士 ( 1997 ) 『 [ 海外進出文学 ] 論 . 序說 』 イ ン パ ク ト 出版会
川村湊 ( 2001 ) 『 日本 の 異端文学 』 集英社
