  • 期刊


鎌倉~南北朝時期之彥部氏的動向,及其對同氏武家名門之敬意|The Hikobe Clan's Movements during the Kamakura-Nanbokucho Period and the Respect for the Samurai Families of the Hikobe Clan




本稿欲實證性地解明室町幕府初代執事高師直一族之庶流彥部氏在鎌倉~南北朝期間的動向,兼論連帶考察彥部氏對於同宗武家名門的清和源氏之敬意,亦即,旨在解明其相關史實與史觀,此兩者的關係。分析的結果,首先解明了彥部氏姓氏由來之地,並非通說之陸奧國斯波郡內而是在同國的菊多郡內一事。第二是論證了在南北朝時期,不存在於彥部家各族譜之多位彥部氏的活躍,且他們在觀應之亂(1350-52)時所屬於足利尊氏、高師直派系因而沒落一事。第三,關於在貞治年間(1362-68)於鎌倉府(室町幕府之東國統治機關)奉公的彥部師朝及彥部直貞、重有兄弟也獲得諸多了解。此外,放棄了近代的彥部家當初支持菊多郡一說,考察轉而支持斯波郡之理由以及背景。其最大的理由可以認為是因為,當地在文治5年(1189)奥州合戰之際,鎌倉幕府初代將軍源賴朝將本營設於此地斯波郡陣岡一事。而採用斯波都說一事,也可以說是彥部家對於武家名門清和源氏之敬意的表徵,以此作結。|This paper empirically elucidates the movements of the Hikobe clan, a lineage of the first butler of the Muromachi Shogunate, Ko-no-Moronao, during the Kamakura to Nanbokucho periods, and examines the respect of the Hikobe clan for the Seiwa-Genji clan as a warrior lineage. In other words, I aimed to elucidate the relationship between historical facts and historical perspective in the Hikobe clan. I also examined the reasons and background behind the modern Hikobe family's abandonment of the theory of their origin derived from Kikuta Country, which they had initially supported, in favor of another theory of their origin derived from Siba Country. The most important reason is that Minamoto-no-Yoritomo, the first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate, established his headquarters in Jinoka, Shiba County, during the Expedition to Oshu in 1189.|This paper empirically elucidates the movements of the Hikobe clan, a lineage of the first butler of the Muromachi Shogunate, Ko-no-Moronao, during the Kamakura to Nanbokucho periods, and examines the respect of the Hikobe clan for the Seiwa-Genji clan as a warrior lineage. In other words, I aimed to elucidate the relationship between historical facts and historical perspective in the Hikobe clan. I also examined the reasons and background behind the modern Hikobe family's abandonment of the theory of their origin derived from Kikuta Country, which they had initially supported, in favor of another theory of their origin derived from Siba Country. The most important reason is that Minamoto-no-Yoritomo, the first shogun of the Kamakura Shogunate, established his headquarters in Jinoka, Shiba County, during the Expedition to Oshu in 1189.


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