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Correlation Between Annual Damage Fluctuations of Helopeltis fasciaticollis (Hemiptera: Miridae) and Meteorological Factors in a Nantou Organic Tea Plantation


茶角盲椿象(Helopeltis fasciaticollis Poppius)成、若蟲偏好於茶樹(Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)新梢部位刺吸危害,嚴重時導致新芽、新葉枯萎,影響茶葉產量與品質甚鉅。本研究於自2016年2月至2017年1月,在南投縣有機茶園進行茶角盲椿象對二種茶樹品種之周年危害調查,結果顯示臺茶7號及18號二茶區新梢的周年平均受害率分別為3.3 ± 0.4%及26.9 ±2.7%,而二區周年的受害率分別介於0.2~14.6%及0.3~91.1%;另以新梢受害後所造成之斑痕面積進行估算,結果顯示二茶區之平均新梢受害面積分別為3.7 ± 0.6 mm^2及40.8 ± 4.6 mm^2,周年受害面積分別介於0~9.7 mm^2及2.9~83.1 mm^2,此二種估算方式均顯示臺茶18號茶區遭受此蟲危害情形顯著高於臺茶7號茶區。以茶樹遭受茶角盲椿象危害後平均新梢受害面積的周年變化數據,與埔里氣象站之溫度、相對濕度、風速、降雨量及降雨日數等氣象資料進行皮爾森積差相關係數(Pearson product-moment correlation)分析,結果顯示茶角盲椿象對臺茶18號的危害情形與月平均相對濕度呈低度正相關,相關係數(r)為0.36,但是與月平均風速及月累積降雨日數間均呈中度負相關性,相關係數(r)分別為-0.67、-0.68。相關研究結果可應用於配合氣象資料,預測茶園可能遭受茶角盲椿象危害風險之參考。


Both the nymphs and adults of the mosquito bug, Helopeltis fasciaticollis Poppius prefer to feed on the buds and young leaves of tea plants which causes brown feeding spots. Damage resulting from mirids causes both quality and economic loss in tea production. A field survey was conducted from February 2016 to January 2017 to evaluate the damage rate of H. fasciaticollis at two organic tea plantations in Puli, Nantou County, Taiwan. Results indicated that the annual mean damage rates to fresh shoot of TTES (Taiwan Tea Experiment Station) No. 7 and TTES No. 18 cultivars were 3.3 ± 0.4% and 26.9 ± 2.7%, respectively. The mean fresh shoot damage rates of these two cultivars ranged from 0.2% to 14.6% and 0.3% to 91.1%, respectively. Another method was used to estimate the scar areas of fresh shoot damaged by H. fasciaticollis. Results revealed that the mean damaged areas per fresh shoot of TTES No. 7 and TTES No. 18 cultivars were 3.7 ± 0.6 mm^2 and 40.8 ± 4.6 mm^2, respectively. The mean damaged areas of fresh shoot of these two cultivars ranged from 0 to 9.7 mm^2 and 2.9 to 83.1 mm^2, respectively. Pearson product-moment correlation was used to analyze the correlation between climatic parameters and annual fluctuations of the mean damaged areas per fresh shoot of TTES No. 18. Results revealed that relative humidity was slightly positively correlated with H. fasciaticollis infestation of TTES No. 18 with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.36. Wind speed and the days of precipitation were found to be moderately negatively correlated with H. fasciaticollis infestation of TTES No. 18 with correlation coefficients of r = -0.67, r = -0.68, respectively. These findings provide information for using meteorological parameters to predict the risk of damage by H. fasciaticollis in tea plantation.
