  • 期刊


A Study on the Cause-Related Marketing Intervention to Nonprofit Sports Organization Decision Making Behavior-As Sample of Taipei County Athletic Association Children's Physical Education Committee


本研究的目的為探討善因行銷行為的介入,對非營利運動組織-臺北縣體育會幼兒體育委員會之「動機」、「決策過程」及「活動方式與合作內容」之影響。 研究對象為臺北縣體育會幼兒體育委員會之組織成員四人;以自編之「臺北縣體育會幼兒體育委員會應用善因行銷行為之訪談大綱」為研究工具,並輔以錄音機及紙筆記錄;透過「深度訪談法」,以半結構性的訪問方式蒐集資料,將所得資料內容加以分析、歸類與歸納後,共呈現以下之研究結果:一、善因行銷介入後的「動機」為「推廣運動、健康的理念」、「募集經費與資源」;二、善因行銷介入後的「決策過程」為「主動尋找合作對象」、「考慮合作對象的公共形象、資源與配合度」、「內部人員均表支持贊同」、「內部人員均一致認為可以為企業帶來利益」;三、善因行銷介入後的「活動方式與合作內容」為「親子運動會與園遊會是最佔優勢的行銷方式」、「以簽約保障善因行銷行為的權益」、「可使用訪談的方式來評估善因行銷活動的成功與否」、「未來行銷的方式仍是以親子運動會與園遊會為主」、「根據行銷活動的型態、對象而有不同的合作內容」。根據本研究結果的呈現,當善因行銷介入非營利運動組織決策行為時,對於「動機」、「決策過程」及「活動方式與合作內容」均產生積極、正面且具有彈性應變的影響。因此,非營利運動組織應該與相關企業合作,利用善因行銷行為共同為組織目的而努力。


The main thrust of this study was based on motivations, decision making process and co-operative ways to assist the use of cause-related marketing by the Children's Physical Education Committee. There were four samples chosen from the C.P.E.C. . Questionnaires were used to collect data. Main findings of this research include: 1. Motivations to assist the use of cause-related marketing by the C.P.E.C. to ”popularize exercise and health gain” and ”raise financial resources”. 2. Decision making process to assist the use of cause-related marketing by the C.P.E.C. to ”initiate search for corporate sponsors” ”corporate sponsors' public image” ”co-operation of corporate members on cause-related marketing” ”evidence that cause-related marketing being beneficial to business” 3. Co-operative ways to assist the use of cause-related marketing by the C.P.E.C. are ”presently the best ways of marketing family sports games and festival sale” ”signed contracts protecting rights on cause-related marketing” ”use of interviews to evaluate if cause-related marketing is successful” ”The main marketing direction seems to be family sports games and festival sales in the future” ”There are different co-operative solutions based on styles and objectives of marketing”. Co-operation of both nonprofit sports organizations and enterprises is suggested to use cause-related marketing.


Cordtz, D.(1990).No more soft touches.Financial World.159,30-36.
