  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Stress and Demand of Primary Caregivers of the Elderly in Macau




老人 照顧者 壓力 需求


Objective: To investigate the current stress and demand in primary caregivers of the elderly, and to examine the situation in home care, stress levels of caregivers and impact of relevant factors. Method: non-experimental, descriptive study, questionnaire of ”the Study of stress and demand of primary caregiver of the elderly” was distributed to caregivers taking care of the elderly who were 65 of age or above. Results: A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed, with 164 valid questionnaires returned, 82 %; (1) Most of the elderly involved were taken care of by their offspring and wives of the offspring, then by spouses, who were mostly women, with an average age of 43.15. Most of the elderly lived with their children and spouses, the majority of who thought they had the responsibility to take care of their elders, yet in rotation to reduce pressure. Those who had nobody to take their turn may face higher pressure; (2) Caregivers' perception of level of stress was high. Related stress factors that affected the caregivers were: the number of elderly who were sick, the function of daily activities of the elderly, the caregivers’ education level, the economic status of the caregivers, the age of the caregivers and their marital status; (3) The more seriously sick of the elderly, the more reduced of their ability of daily living, the lower the caregivers' education level was, with middle income ($5000-7000) , of older age and married, the higher stress the caregivers felt; (4) The demands of caregivers were high, amongst which medical information was the highest; (5) The higher the level of caregivers' stress was, the higher levels of their demands were.


the elderly/the aged caregivers stress demand


