  • 期刊


Evaluating the Environmental Impact Assessment Policies in Taiwan through SEA Directives of European Commission




In Taiwan, environmental impact assessment (EIA) is conducted mostly for development projects. It is a lower ranking activity and the applicable point comes in later during the process, which makes it ineffective. On the other hand, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) has a higher ranking with earlier application point, which can mitigate the drawbacks of EIA for development activities, and more significant towards sustainability. For environmental policies in the European Union, SEA is a key measure for ensuring sustainability. Although the Environmental Protection Administration of Legislative Yuan already implemented regulations such as Regulations Governing Government Policies on Environmental Impact Assessment, which is based on Article 26 of Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the implementation has fallen as a formality and has been ineffective. The fundamental reason is that regulations concerning policy EIA are inadequate. In comparison, the SEA Directive for the European Commission is rather comprehensive. Therefore, regulations concerning policy EIA in Taiwan will be examined in this study based on the SEA Directive of European Commission to identify the deficiencies in current regulations and propose recommendations for policy amendment to improve policies EIA in Taiwan.


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