  • 期刊


The Relationship for Psychosocial Factors and Expressed Emotion of Caregivers over a Two-Year Period




Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between psychosocial factors and expressed emotion (EE) of family caregivers for schizophrenic patients. Methods: Expressed-emotion scores of the caregivers were obtained using the CFMSS when the patient was admission in the hospital, and on four subsequent occasions at three, six, 12 and 24 months after admission. A total of 161 patients and their respective family caregivers were included in the study. Psychosocial variables included social support, satisfaction for medical services, feeling of stigma, mental illness attribution, cognition of illness, family burden, family adaptation, caregivers' needs, life events and quality of life. Chi-square, t-test and ANCOVA were used to examine the relationship between psychosocial variables and the caregivers' EE. Results: (1) Significantly different scores between HEE (High Expressed Emotion) and LEE (Low Expressed Emotion) caregivers were found in psychosocial variables including: social support, satisfaction for medical services, feeling of stigma, mental illness attribution, family burden, family adaptation and caregivers needs. (2) The data of two-year follow-up demonstrated that the positive aspects of psychosocial variables in HEE caregivers, for example, the social support and family adaptation scores were significantly decreased. On the other hand, the negative aspects of psychosocial variables in LEE caregivers, for example, the feeling of stigma and family burden scores were significantly decreased. (3) the result in HEE caregivers indicated paradoxical conflicting situation which limited family life adaptation and needs for social support. Conclusion: This study presents the evidence supporting the EE concept is the result of multiple variables in a dynamic process. It is not simply cause-effect, one way relationship or an interaction between two variables. EE differs significantly according to the psychosocial variables of the caregivers.

