  • 期刊


A Daoist Perspective on Life: The Daoist Wu Jun of the Tang Dynasty


「顯為儒,隱為道」乃是一般人對中國傳統知識份子的刻板印象。有唐一代,因科舉失敗,或宦途蹇剝,轉而入道,躋身高士而受帝王尊奉、信眾景仰者,屢見不鮮。既脫離塵世為道士,卻又難以忘懷帝王關愛的這些人,其生命的終極關懷為何?讀聖賢書,而求神仙不死之道,其間是否矛盾?抑或只是隱與顯的變化、不同階段的身份稱謂而已? 本文擬整理唐代道士吳筠(?-778)的修道思想,探討其生命觀,作為個人研究唐代仙學發展之一環。首先敘述吳筠的生平事蹟與著作,其次,探討其有關修煉成仙的生命觀,就其對於生命的形成、生命的價值、成仙的要件及修仙的次第與方法等四方面的觀點,加以分析敘述,探討其生命觀。


'Confucian when successful, otherwise Daoist' is a common stereotype of traditional Chinese intellectuals. In the Tang Dynasty there were many cases in which men converted to Daoism after failure in imperial examinations or in their official career. They chose to become a priest to obtain the respect of the Emperor and the adoration of believers. What is the ultimate concern of people who had withdrawn from earthliness to become priests but still hankered after the attention of the Emperor? Is there a contradiction between reading sacred books and looking for the way of immortality? Is this only a shift between being visible or being hidden, two stages in a man's journey through life? This article collates the monastic ideas of the Tang Dynasty Daoist Wu Jun (?-778) and investigates his view of life, as a part of studies into the development of celestial learning in the Tang Dynasty. It first presents the life and writings of Wu Jun. Then, it explores his view of life and celestial learning. Its analysis focuses on four aspects: (1) the formation of life, (2) the value of life, (3) the requisites for becoming a god, and (4) the Daoist order of training and self-cultivation.


