  • 期刊

The Impact of Job Involvement on Emotional Labor to Customer-Oriented Behavior: An Empirical Study of Hospital Nurses



背景 醫療照護屬高情緒勞務工作,護理人員亦是典型高情緒勞務工作者。護理人員在第一線服務扮演重要角色,且其服務影響病患對醫療服務品質的評價。目的 探討護理工作情境下情緒勞務、工作投入與顧客導向行為間之關係。方法 樣本來自台灣八家醫院護理人員。採自評式問卷,在兩次時間點收集問卷。問卷A收集情緒勞務、工作投入,問卷B則收集顧客導向行為資料。發出500份問卷,回收且有效為472份。統計主要使用階層迴歸方法。結果 正向情緒表達與負向情緒克制兩種情緒勞務,對顧客導向行為(病患為主)均具正向影響;正向情緒表達則對顧客導向行為(任務為主)具正向影響。當工作投入愈高,正向情緒表達愈多,顧客導向行為愈高;工作投入將弱化負向情緒克制與顧客導向行為間之關係。結論/實務應用 醫院提升員工的顧客導向行為已成為趨勢。本研究實證護理人員情緒勞務、工作投入與顧客導向行為間之關係,並使相關研究更為完整,也有助於主管瞭解情緒勞務與顧客導向行為,及做為護理人力資源管理實務設計與執行參考。


Background: Healthcare is a profession that requires a high level of emotional labor (EL). Nurses provide frontline services in hospitals and thus typically experience high levels of EL. The quality of services that nurses provide impacts on how patients evaluate the service quality of hospitals. Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the relationships among EL, job involvement (JI), and customer-oriented behavior (COB) in the context of the nursing profession. Methods: The participants in this study were nurses at eight hospitals, all located in Taiwan. This study used a self-reporting questionnaire. Research data were gathered at two discrete periods (A and B). Questionnaire A collected data on EL and JI, and Questionnaire B collected data on COB. Five hundred questionnaires were sent out to qualified participants, and 472 valid questionnaires were returned. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses. Results: The expression of positive emotion (EPE) and the suppression of negative emotion (SNE) were found to positively affect the patient-oriented COB. Furthermore, the EPE was found to positively affect the task-oriented COB. In terms of the moderating effect of JI, JI was found to relate positively to the EPE, patient-oriented COB, and task-oriented COB. In addition, higher values of JI were found to weaken the relationship between the SNE and the task-oriented COB. Conclusions/Implications for Practice: It has become an increasingly popular practice for hospital organizations to work to promote the COB of their nursing staffs. The results of this study prove empirically that a relationship exists among EL, COB, and JI in nurses. This study contributes to the related literature, enhances the knowledge of hospital and nursing administrators with regard to EL and COB, and offers a reference for hospital managers who are responsible for designing and executing multidisciplinary programs and for managing hospital-based human resources.


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