  • 期刊

融入影像教材與學習策略於任務型日語課程之設計 |Incorporating In-house Drama Materials and Learning Strategies in Task-based Japanese Courses

融入影像教材與學習策略於任務型日語課程之設計 |Incorporating In-house Drama Materials and Learning Strategies in Task-based Japanese Courses


本論文旨在探討融入影像教材與學習策略於任務型日語課程是否能提升非日文系專攻大學生之日語學習成效。本課程時間經過十四週的期程,透過對47位非日文系專攻學生所實施的課程滿意度問卷調查、會話前後測及學習策略調整調查進行分析,獲得以下成果。首先,經由滿意度問卷調查發現,參加此課程學生表示本課程所自製的影片教材、與其他同學合作學習以及多樣的日語學習資源的提供有助於維持本身的日語學習動機。另外透過學期初以及學期末各一次的日語會話測試,發現參加學生在學期末的日語口頭表現在語彙量以及句子複雜度都較學期初有所進步。而透過學習策略調整調查,發現學生普遍表示學會使用本課程中所提供的學習策略,顯示自律學習能力的品成有了初步的成效。|This study aimed to exp lore if the application of in-house drama materials and learning strategies (0 (ask-based Japanese courses can enhance the learning outcome of non-Japanese majors. The course in this study look 14 weeks and 47 non -Japanese major s participated in a course evaluation. pre and post conversation tests, and a survey of their adjustment to learning strategies. The study generates the following findings. First, the course evaluation reveals that the in-house drama materials, collaboration with classmates and diversified Japanese learning sources help maintain the participating students' motivation of learning Japanese. Secondly, the conversation test results demonstrate that the participating students' speaking performance in the post-test is better than that in the pre-test in terms of their improvement of vocabulary and complex sentence structures. Finally, the survey shows that the participating students app lied the taught learning strategies, and thus, they began to develop the ability of self-regulated learning.
