  • 期刊


Paternalistic Leadership Behaviors of ElementaryBasketball Coach、The Players Involved in Motivation on Team Performance


本研究在探討國小籃球教練家長式領導行為、球員參與動機與團隊效能三者之間的因果關係。採用「家長式領導行為量表」、「運動參與動機量表」及「團隊效能量表」等三種量表進行問卷調查,於每年舉辦的三個少年全國賽(建中盃、順天盃、全國少年籃球賽)中進行全面性普查,共收回有效問卷763份。接著使用SPSS 12.0版隨機抽取379份資料,再利用LISREL 8.51版進行結構方程模式的二階驗證性因素分析及路徑分析。研究結果如下:1.教練的家長式領導行為以才德領導最為強烈,威權領導感受最少。2.最強烈的參與動機是出自於自己內心想要的,而較不會因為外在期許而去從事籃球運動。3.對於團隊效能的認同以領導效能最高,而以授權效能最低。4.家長式領導行為、才德領導、仁慈領導與參與動機有因果關係存在;威權領導與參與動機沒有因果關係存在。5.參與動機、內在動機、外在動機、無動機與團隊效能均有因果關係存在。6.家長式領導行為、才德領導、仁慈領導與團隊效能有因果關係存在;威權領導與團隊效能沒有因果關係存在。7.參與動機對於家長式領導行為與團隊效能具有調節效果,當參與動機愈強烈,家長式領導行為影響團隊效能愈高。


This study aimed to investigate the cause-effect relationships among elementary school basketball coaches' paternalistic leadership behaviors, players' participant motivations, and the team efficacy. Census questionnaires including paternalistic leadership scale, sport participant motivation scale, and team efficacy scale were distributed during the three tournaments(Jianzhong Cup, Shuntian Cup, National Mini Basketball Championship)for elementary school students. 763 effective questionnaires were received and 379 of them were selected randomly by SPSS 12.0. LISREL 8.51 Structural Equation Modeling was then used to describe the second-order confirmatory factor analysis and the path analysis. The results of the study were as followed:1.In coaches' paternalistic leadership behaviors, the moral leadership influenced the players most, and on the contrast, the authoritarian leadership influenced the players least.2.The strongest participant motivation for basketball was always from athlete's own will, seldom from external expectation.3.In agreement with team efficacy, leadership effectiveness was the most important factor, and the authorized effectiveness was the least.4.There were cause and effect relationships among paternalistic leadership, moral leadership, benevolent leadership, and participant motivation; but there was no such relationship between authoritarian leadership and the participant motivation.5.There were cause and effect relationships among participant motivation, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, amotivation and team efficacy.6.There were cause and effect relationships among paternalistic leadership, moral leadership, benevolent leadership and team efficacy; but there was no such relationship between authoritarian leadership and team efficacy.7.Participant motivation could moderate the relationship between paternalistic leadership and team efficacy, the higher the participant motivation, paternalistic leadership would influence team efficacy more.


