  • 期刊


Applying Parse' Human Becoming Theory to a Hospital Bed-rest Pregnant Woman for Psychological Transformation from Undergoing Tocolysis


本篇報告主要運用帕西人類適轉理論(Parse' human becoming theory)探討一位懷孕29週臥床安胎婦女之住院轉變經歷,透過安胎婦女所表達的語言及行爲,進行資料的收集與分析,書寫完成八篇的行為過程紀錄,結果發現確保胎兒的健康,期盼產下健康的足月兒是個案住院臥床安胎的主要意義(meaning)。筆者運用帕西人類適轉理論架構,發現個案在住院安胎期間隨著住院時間的改變,經歷不同的感受,對安胎事件建構意義(structuring meaning),並在安胎的情境中產生矛盾節律(cocreating-rhythmical patterns),筆者以照顧者的角色透過真誠的呈現(true present)與個案共同超越(cotranscending-transcendence)住院安胎所帶來的改變;最終歸納出個案住院安胎的轉變包含:1.面對突發的早產徵兆:尋求可以解釋的理由;2.面對藥物的副作用:承受身體不適,為預防早產;3.面對安胎的壓力(依賴他人、缺乏隱私、不確定感、經濟):自我調適與緩解負向感受;4.面對長期臥床休息:從限制中尋找自我控制;5.情緒隨著早產症狀起伏:在患得患失中尋求平衡。期望能藉此經驗提供運用理論照護這類婦女之具體參考。


This paper describes the becoming process of a 29-week pregnant woman undergoing tocolysis in hospital in light of Parse's human becoming theory. Based on data collected from the woman's expression and behavior, eight process recordings were compiled and analyzed. The results suggested that ensuring the health of the fetus was the primary meaning of undergoing tocolysis in the hospital for the subject. By applying Parse's human becoming theory, the author found that the subject had different becoming experiences at different times of tocolysis in the hospital, including structuring meaning and co-creating-rhythmical patterns. Being a caregiver of the subject, the author showed her true presence to co-transcend the changes that the subject had to go through, a process that can be referred to as co-transcending-transcendence. Finally, the author concluded the transformation that the subject dealt with during tocolysis in hospital as follows: (1) facing signs of preterm labor unexpectedly: seeking explanations; (2) facing side-effects of drugs: withstanding discomfort only to prevent preterm labor; (3) facing stress arising from tocolysis (dependence, lack of privacy, sense of uncertainty, and economy): self-adjusting and relieving negative feelings; (4) facing long-term bed-rest: seeking self-control under various limitations; and (5) fluctuating emotions followed by preterm symptoms: maintaining an emotional balance between losses and gains. The experience of this paper is expected to offer a practical example of applying a theory to take care of pregnant women undergoing tocolysis.


