  • 期刊


Development and Validation of Newly Employed Nurses Five Core-Competencies


背景:醫策會自2007年起推展醫事人員畢業後二年臨床實務訓練計畫,訓練核心能力以美國醫學研究院(Institute of Medicine, IOM)提出的五項核心能力為基準。目的:本研究旨在設計本土化評值新進護理人員訓練成效問卷,以整體評值專業能力訓練計畫成效。方法:問卷內容涵蓋IOM五大核心能力及8項護理技能,問卷先進行專家效度,之後請99位新進護理人員填寫,結果以SPSS 18.0進行項目分析和信度檢定,最終問卷共40題,包括11題的提供以病人為中心的醫療照護、7題的跨領域醫療團隊合作、6題的基於實證的專業執行、11題的品質改善技術的應用及5題的資訊技術的利用。結果:研究結果顯示,項目分析檢定結果之決斷值(Critical Ratio, CR)均大於3.0,且達顯著差異(p<.001),表具鑑別度;KMO值皆大於.80,而Bartlett球形檢驗均達顯著差異(p=.00),表示具備高的因素獨立性,可解釋變異量為42.87%,Cronbach'sα值大於.80,表示量表具有良好內在一致性。結論:本量表具鑑別度及良好信效度,可作為新進護理人員訓練成效之參考。


Background: Healthcare personnel in Taiwan have been required to have two years of postgraduate year (PGY) training according to IOM five Core Competencies since 2007. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the newly employed nurses five Core-Competencies in Taiwan. Methods: The questionnaire consisted of two main parts in terms of five core competencies and 8 nursing skills. The experts were invited to review the questionnaire in order to establish expert validity. Then, 99 newly employed nurses were recruited to fill in this questionnaire, with research data analyzed by SPSS18.0. The final questionnaire contained 40 items, including 11 items for 'provide patient-centered care' domain; 7 items for 'work in interprofessional', 6 items for 'employ evidence-based practice'; 11 items for 'apply quality improvement'; and 5 items for 'utilize informatics'. Results: Item analysis for Critical Ratio (CR) was greater than 3.0 and reached statistically significant difference (p<.001), which demonstrated its item discrimination. The KMO values were all greater than .800 and the Bartlett spherical test showed significant differences (p=.000), which indicated suitability for applying factor analysis. The explained variation was about 42.87%. All Cronbach's α measures were greater than .802, which demonstrated its good internal consistency in terms of reliability. Conclusion: This questionnaire was proven via its item discrimination to have good validity and reliability; therefore, it could be applied to evaluate training outcomes and effectiveness for new nurses in future testing.


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