  • 期刊


The Development and Testing of Measuring Instruments on Nurses' Information Needs and Information Seeking


本研究之目的為發展一完整、精簡且具信效度的護理人員資訊需求與資訊尋求量表,研究分兩階段進行。階段一是發展量表:研究者查證資訊需求、尋求之相關文獻,並參考兩份問卷,初步建立問卷項目,經由十位資深護理人員審閱及修定問卷之內容效度,並請60位護理人員預試,得0.84與0.8之內在一致信度。階段二是測試量表:調查對象包含臨床護理人員367人和護理系應屆畢業生203人,以項目分析、因素分析與內在一致性信度來檢定量表。經由因素分析,「護理人員資訊尋求量表」莘取出『資料性尋求』、『方便性尋求』與『專業性尋求』三個因素,可解釋總變異量65.62%,顯示本量表具有良好的建構效度。在信度方面「護理人員資訊需求」總量表及次量表之Cronbach’s α 介於0.83-0.93之間;「護理人員資項尋求」總量表及其次量表Cronbach’s α介於0.68-0.90之間,顯示兩量表均具有良好的內在一致性。本研究結果可提供未來相關研究之參考(慈濟護理雜誌, 2004; 3:1, 51-60.)


The purpose of this study was to develop and test instruments for measuring information needs and information seeking of nurses. The study proceeded in two phases. In phase one, the researchers reviewed literatures and discussed two instruments for content validity. Both instruments had good reliability on 60 nurses in pilot study (cronbach's α=0.84 & 0.8). In phase two, the subjects consisted of 367 clinical nurses and 203 nursing graduates. Based on the results of factor analysis, two factors were extracted from 13 items of information needs and accounted for 65.42% of the total variance. Another three factors were extracted from 13 items of information seeking and accounted for 65.62% of the total variance. The coefficients of the cronbach's α for both instruments and its factors were 0.68-0.93. The results showed that both instruments possessed acceptable content validity, construct validity and internal consistency reliability. Implications of these results for future researches were discussed. (Tzu Chi Nursing Journal, 2004; 3:1, 51-60.)


