  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of a Stroke Patient after Cardiac Catheterization




This case report describes the nursing experience of caring for a woman with sudden shock and self-care deficit resulting from right limb weakness related to stroke after cardiac catheterization. The nursing period was August 22nd to September 15th, 2017. Gordon's functional health patterns were applied to assess the patient's condition. Three health-related problems were identified: self-care deficit, powerlessness, and ineffective family coping. Nursing interventions included physical and occupational therapy to improve muscle power, listening and communication to reduce the patient's depression caused by her physical function loss and low self-esteem, and collaboration among medical, nursing, and social support professionals to solve the patient's financial crisis. We share this experience of helping a stroke patient with physical, psychological, spiritual, and social problems. We helped the patient to adapt to her condition, learn emotional control, implement poststroke self-care, and maintain a high quality of life.


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