  • 期刊


In Want of Feminist Perspectives: The Missing Picture in Current Sociological Textbooks


以大學入門教科書作為「主流」社會學論述的指標,是性別社會學家檢視性別視野是否對社會學發生重大的影響的一種策略。我們在此文中檢視台灣第一本立基於本土研究的社會學教科書《社會學與台灣社會》 (2000),以討論社會學門的女性主義革命進展。本文有以下幾項發現:(一)女性主義至今未能被社會學界視為一種像功能論與衝突論一樣,可以貫穿社會學各主題的主要理論觀點。(二)性別在主流社會學中還是侷限在微觀層次的討論,未能在鉅觀層次被呈現出來。我們的檢視分為兩部分,第一部份是「女性主義觀點的缺席」以該書特定的篇章作為分析案例,用來彰顯女性主義觀點如何在社會學的重要領域缺席,並探討其原因及其後果。我們選取的篇章包括「文化」、「社會階層化」、「社會運動」與「全球化的社會變遷」。第二部分則提出「性別研究的新視野」,分別介紹了在該本教科書幾乎完全缺席的「男性研究」、「性別-技術」、與「社會福利」面向,藉此呈現這樣的新視野如何可能同時活化社會學以及女性主義理論本身。透過這兩個部分的討論,我們試圖提出性別化社會學的具體做法。我們希望這樣的檢視工作,可以作為有效加速社會學門的女性主義革命的策略。


This article discusses the limitations of the sociological teaching due to the missing feminist perspectives in sociological textbooks in Taiwan. By investigating the first ever textbook that incorporates local scholarly works into teaching, we aim to show that feminist perspectives not only provide important world views to some of the most classic topics in sociology, but also create new topics for us to explore. After an overview to the textbook, the following two fundamental issues lead us to the investigation: first, feminist perspectives have never been seen as having the potential to penetrate every aspect of social life as functionalists and conflict theories have been seen; second, feminist perspectives are introduced more frequently into micro-level analysis and are rarely considered as important perspectives for macro-level analysis. We organize such discussions into two main parts: the first part is about “the missing feminist perspectives”. In this part, we choose three textbook chapters, i.e. culture, social stratification, social movement, globalization and development, as examples for showing the reasons and consequences fro the missing feminist perspectives in sociological learning. The second part is about “the new topics in gender studies”. In this part, we suggest three new topics to be added to the textbook, i.e. men’s studies, gender and technology, and social welfare. These new topics are on the horizon only when we view the society from feminist perspectives.


feminism sociology undergraduate textbooks


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