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The Influence of Electroacupuncture on Physiological Change under Intravenous Glucose Tolerance Test


糖尿病有隱形殺手之稱,不只在臺灣或美國等先進國家其發生旱已經很高,而且發病年齡有越來越年輕化的趨勢,更因爲醫療技術的發達,人類的壽命越來越長,伴隨而來的問題也越來越嚴重。在血糖控制方面,先前的研究中已探討電針大鼠足三里有降血糖的作用,且有腦內啡(endorphin)與血清素(serotonin)參與其中,並且有改善葡萄糖耐受、加強外源性胰島素降血糖的作用及增強胰島素敏感度,對其生理指標的變化,有必要進一步研究瞭解,並可藉以佐證電針的療效。 本研究希望能延續過去對於電針的發現,藉由心電圖及體溫等生理指標的變化,探討電針對靜脈注射葡萄糖耐量試驗(intravenous glucose tolerancetest, ivGTT)之影響,同時瞭解正常與糖尿病病態模式生理指標的差異。我們將Wistar正常鼠及Streptozotocine(STZ)糖尿病鼠在ivGTT試驗下,15Hz電針足三里與不電針的心電圖和體溫作比較。 結果顯示:在ivGTT期間,糖尿病鼠和正常鼠的生理指標(體溫、心電圖R波間距、QRS波寬、心跳)有明顯的差異。糖尿病鼠的體溫比較低、R波間距較寬、QRS波寬較窄、心跳比較慢。在電針的影響方面:電針有短暫提升糖尿病鼠和正常鼠在ivGTT期間體溫的趨勢;雖電針糖尿病鼠和正常鼠之R波間距及心率無法與非電針有顯著不同,但值得注意的是,電針糖尿病鼠足三里有縮短R波間距及加快心率趨向正常鼠的作用,可能藉由基礎代謝率的提升而調控血糖,改善葡萄糖耐受性。


電針 體溫 心電圖 足三里 糖耐量試驗


Diabetes has the name of stealth murderer, the high incidence was noted in Taiwan and U.S. recently, moreover the morbidity age is more young tendency, because of medical technology's development, human life is getting more longer, the following healthy problems are more serious and hard. In the control of blood sugar, the previous researches had discussed about the electroacupuncture (EA) on bilateral zusanli acupoints can decrease the blood glucose levels, which the endorphin and serotonin participate in this mechanism. The EA is able to enhance insulin sensitivity via the improvement of glucose tolerance and increase exogenous insulin function. About the physiological change, it is necessary to study and understand further about the effect of the electroacupuncture (EA) In this study, we would like to investigate EA stimulation on STZ and normal Wistar rat to explore the physiological changes of electrocardiogram (EKG) and body temperature (BT). The male normal Wistar and STZ induced diabetic rats were used in this study. Under anesthesia by pentobarbital (40 mg/Kg, i.p.), the rats will divided into experimental group treating 15 Hz EA on bilateral zusanli acupoint for 60 min, and control group no treating EA during the same time. We will compare the effect of EKG and body temperature between these two animal models and treatments (EG and CG) by time in 90-min observation. As the results showed, the STZ and normal Wistar rats' physiological indicators (heart rate, body temperature, R-R interval, and QRS wave) had significant differences during the ivGTT. The STZ rats' BT was lower than the normal wistar rats', and with longer R-R interval, narrower QRS-wave and slower heart beats. In the influence of EA, the STZ and normal Wistar rats' BT with the tendency were elevated temporally by EA. Although, the R-R interval and heart rate was not significant different between EA and non-EA group, it is worthy to notice the STZ rats whose R-R interval was shorten and heart rate was promoted by EA, both shifted to the normal Wistar rats' . It is possible to regulate the plasma sugar by elevated metabolic rate to improve the glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.
