  • 期刊


Acupuncture Treatment for Bell's palsy: A Case Report


貝爾氏麻痹症(英語:Bell's palsy)是面部癱瘓之一種,由顏面神經的功能障礙引起,導致無力控制受影響一側的面部肌肉。貝爾氏麻痹症常被病人誤認為中風,但兩者的疾病程度不同,需要再詳細的問診、理學檢查、甚至儀器的輔助,才能做好鑑別診斷。本病人為七十歲女性,於110/11/25當天早晨起床,突然感到右邊面部緊繃不適,在神經內科就診後前往中醫門診,接受數次針灸治療後症狀就有顯著的改善。


貝爾氏麻痺 Bell's palsy 針灸


Bell's palsy is a type of facial paralysis caused by dysfunction of the facial nerve. This disease can cause the patient to lose control of the facial muscles on the affected side. Bell's palsy is often mistaken for stroke by patients. This requires more detailed inquiries, physical examinations, and even the assistance of instruments in order to make a good differential diagnosis. This is a case of a 78-year-old female patient. She suddenly felt tense and uncomfortable on the right side of her face when she woke up on the morning of 110/11/25. After visiting the neurology department, she came to the Chinese medicine clinic. After several acupuncture treatments, the severity and frequency of Bell's palsy is significantly alleviated.


Bell's palsy Acupuncture


Jeffrey D Tiemstra, Nandini Khatkhate . Bell's palsy: diagnosis and management. Am Fam Physician . 2007 Oct 1;76(7):997-1002.
Canan Ertemoğlu Öksüz , Ahmet Kalaycıoğlu , Özlem Uzun , Şahi Nur Kalkışım , Nihat Burak Zihni , Ahmet Yıldırım , Cavit Boz . The Efficacy of Acupuncture in the Treatment of Bell‘s Palsy Sequelae . J Acupunct Meridian Stud . 2019 Aug;12(4):122-130.
Ahmed Hassan Kamil Mustafa , Ahmed Mohammed Sulaiman. The Epidemiology and Management of Bell's Palsy in the Sudan. Open Dent J . 2018 Oct 25;12:827-836.
